


A Study of Preservation and Reuse of the historical settlement. A case study of the Liu-zhangli and the Xin-wa-wu settlements






六張犂落 ; 新瓦屋聚落 ; 老街 ; 保存 ; 再利用 ; Preservation ; Reuse ; Liuzhangli settlement ; Old streets ; Xin-wa-wu settlement












當政府推動都市更新、重大建設的計畫案時,經常會面對老舊建築拆遷或保留的問題,普通的老舊房舍逕行拆除,不會影響建設計畫之進行;但是面對殘破的老建物是充滿故事或傳奇的古蹟、歷史建築,就有「文化資產保存法」的約束,不得不稍緩建設腳步,爭取預算辦理變更設計,並面臨歷史建築保存、再利用的議題。然而如何保存、如何擬定再利用方案,確有必要蒐集文獻資料、相關論述依據,歸納出一些建議或是據以建立模式,作為爾後類似案例的參考,這是本研究的主要目的。 「六張犁聚落」的開墾始於1737年,而客家族群則自1749年廣東省饒平縣林先坤等人自大陸來台,創建「善慶堂」後才建立林家的基業。同時,1805年饒平縣人林孫檀於芒頭埔一帶拓墾,興建「忠孝堂公廳」作為族人集會場所,附近居民稱為「新瓦屋」。歷經二百多年的歲月,建築群不斷翻修,也經不住歲月的摧殘,呈現樑塌牆傾的頹態,所以,後來的「縣府遷建計畫」及「高鐵六家站興建計畫」原預定將六張犁及新瓦屋老舊建物全部拆除,幸而終於部分保留並進行維修,正是所謂危機也是轉機。 本研究方法包括:歷史文獻回顧與分析、相關理論的探討、參考類似聚落保存、再利用的案例,及研究範圍內聚落之發展歷程、法令規定、現況分析以提出整合再發展之策略。研究結論為:歷史建築的保存再利用必須注意「都市計畫」擬定時相關法令的配合,換言之,都市計畫的「使用分區」將決定後來「再利用」的方向和策略。再利用策略尤應整合所有可用之資源,才能做出最完善之規畫。六張犁建築群之都市計畫使用分區定位於「鄰里公園兼兒童遊樂場」用地,雖然無法委託民間專業經營「特色商店」業,然而只要廣植在地原生種樹木,公部門持續預算補助,即使是低密度開發,作為展覽場地也是不錯的選擇。


When the government plans a urban renewal project , the officials are often faced with the demolition of old buildings or reservations, general demolition of old buildings will not affect the construction of the project; but if the dilapidated old buildings are full of stories or legends of the monuments, historic buildings, there is the "Cultural Heritage Preservation Law" of the constraints, the pace had slowed down construction, designed for the budget process the change and face the preservation of historic buildings, re-use issues. But how to save, how to develop re-use program, it is necessary to collect literature, based on the relevant discussion, summarize some of the recommendations or to build a mode, and later similar cases as a reference, which is the main purpose of this study. "Liuzhangli settlement" of reclamation began in 1737, and the Hakka community, it has since 1749 Guangdong Raoping county’s Lin xian-kun, who came to Taiwan from the mainland, created the "Sun Ching Tong," after the establishment of the Lin family's foundation. Meanwhile, in 1805 Raoping county’s Lin tan-sun reclaimed in the vicinity of the “Mum To Pu”, the construction of "public Chunghsiao Tong" as a clan meeting place, local residents called "the Xin-wa-wu ." After two hundred years, constantly renovated buildings, but also stand up to years of violence, showing the collapse of the wall beam dump of the decadent state, therefore, was the "County Relocation Plan" and the " Construction of Hin-Chung high-speed rail station plan "of the original scheduled were to remove all the old buildings, but fortunately some of the reservations and finally repair, is the so-called crisis is also opportunity. The research methods include: review and analysis of historical documents, the relevant theoretical discussion, reference to similar historic preservation, reuse of the case, and research within the settlement of the development process, laws and regulations, the current situation analysis in order to make further development of integration strategies. Study concludes that: the preservation of historic buildings should be noted that re-use "urban plan" developed with the related laws when, in other words, urban planning, "to use partition" will decide later "reuse" the direction and strategy. Re-use strategies in particular should integrate all the resources available to make the best of planning. Liuzhangli buildings of the city plan to use a partition located in the "neighborhood parks and children's playground" site, although they can not entrust private professional management "specialty shops" industry, but as long as the planting of native species of trees in the ground, continued the public sector grants budget even low-density development, as the exhibition space is also a good choice.

主题分类 設計學院 > 建築學系
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
  1. 許依婷(2016)。以文化遺產中真實性與整體性之概念探討竹北六家園區經營管理模式。中原大學建築學系學位論文。2016。1-151。