Banks play an important role as an intermediary in financial field. With the rise of new banks, the banking industry has faced a more competitive environment. After experiencing many times of the global financial crises, banks have to face the problems of credit quality deterioration and overloading in the last decade. In addition, the deteriorated economic environment, funds-lacking enterprises and investors ,and decrease pressure in the value of bank's collateral all may lead to the reduce of the share prices of banks. The greatest risk in Taiwan’s financial industry is the fluctuation of the collateral value .In all collaterals, real estate accounted for more than 70%. Therefore, the major aim of this thesis is to study how the change in house prices affect the returns of financial stocks.
This study extends the capital asset pricing model (CAPM),and rewrites it as the panel smooth transition regression (PSTR)framework with ,a volatility index (VIX) as the transition variable to evaluate the non-linear dynamic effect of the index of housing price on the returns of financial stock. A panel data set of twenty-three financial stocks in Taiwan during 2007:Q1-2016:Q1 is used to conduct the empirical estimation. The empirical results are for not only investors as a reference to invest in the stock market and housing market, also as a reference for financial industry to adjust the conditions of the collaterals (real estate) and to evaluate and avoid the risks caused by the changes in the environment. Furthermore, the results provide meaningful information for the government to stabilize the real estate market, stock market, and financial market.
The empirical results are summarized as follows:
1. The influence of one-period lagged stock return on current stock price (also known as the persistence effect) is negative. The more the investors panic, the lower the persistence effect would be.
2. Regardless of the level of the volatility index, financial stocks prices display similar change pattern to the weighted stock index. In addition, the data coefficient ( value) is less than one, representing the financial stocks face less volatility risk relative to the weighted stock index.
3. The influence of housing returns on financial stock returns is negative, the negative effect weakens as the volatility index rises.
4. Exchange rate has negative impact on financial stock returns, and the negative effect weakens as the volatility index rises.
The associated policy suggestions are as follows:
1. The financial stock returns vary with the volatility index to show a non-linear process. Thus, investors must adjust their investment decisions period by period according to the volatility index. Second, real estate and financial stocks show an alternative complementary relationship, so investors should invest in house market when the financial stock prices has declined. In addition, during the depreciation of the New Taiwan dollar against the US dollar, arbitrage funds should move to the dollar, which would lead to the fall of the financial stock returns. However, when the market is panic, the negative impact of the depreciation to the returns of financial stocks will decrease; therefore, the holdings of the US dollar should not be excessively expanded. 2. Financial banks can raise funds, during the periods of NT dollar appreciation and the recession of real estate market. The timing to raise funds is better when the one period lagged financial stocks falls. In addition, the more the economic environment panic (the bigger the VIX is), the lower effect of housing market recession or NT dollar appreciation against US dollar on financial stock returns would be. Hence, the effect of raising funds is bigger when the economic environment shifts from stability to turmoil.
3. The financial stock returns fell during the periods of NT dollar depreciation and housing market boom, which leads to the weighted stock index fell and stock markets unstable. Therefore, the financial management authority should take actions to against the disorder caused by stock and financial markets. In addition, when the economy is in turmoil stages and the real estate market is in recessionary periods, the financial stocks to absorb the funds releaser from the housing market becomes weak. The government should take actions to prevent the housing market, stock market and the financial system from forming economic storms.
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