


Third-Party Payment of Banks in FinTech: Perspectives of Resource-Based






FinTech ; 行動支付 ; 第三方支付 ; 資源基礎觀點 ; FinTech ; Mobile payment ; Third-Payment ; Resource-Based Theory












FinTech 的發展,將使銀行業之傳統支付業務更加式微且獲利空間減少。以 目前而言,銀行傳統支付業務不太可能完全消失,但需要積極轉型發展金融數位 化之業務,否則將會減弱與國際金融體系之競爭力。目前國際上最大之第三方支 付系統,包括美國eBay 的PayPal,以及中國淘寶網的支付寶兩大系統;當國內 金融支付工具或第三方支付體系業務都還因金融規範問題導致各自緩慢發展,甚 至只透過類平台之學習方式,無法創造具有競爭優勢的平台支付業務,對於未來 國內金融產業競爭力的發展將有重大影響。因此,本研究希望透過資源基礎觀點 來了解目前國內數位金融從業人員對於第三方支付業務的看法與建議,透過資源 基礎觀點找出現有已具備或未來可具備之優勢,並發展出具競爭力之金融服務。 本論文之研究方法為深度訪談法,將針對目前於個案銀行任職之高階從業人員, 主要訪談具有資訊科技、數位金融、信用卡支付等相關經歷在職人員,對其進行 個案訪談,了解他們對於第三方支付業務的態度與看法,以及行動支付對於第三 方支付的影響為何?運用資源基礎觀點的架構下,並嘗試了解個案之金融業目前 競爭優勢有那些?期望透過這樣的了解,協助金融業者發展出具競爭力之第三方 支付平台架構,提供更佳之數位金融服務水準。


The development of FinTech ,The banking’s traditional payment business will more declining and less profitable space. At present, the traditional banking payment business is unlikely to completely disappear, but they need to actively transform the development of financial business, otherwise, It will weaken the competitiveness for the international financial system. Currently, the largest international third-party payment system, including the United States eBay's PayPal, and China's Taobao Alipay two systems; when the domestic financial payment instruments or third-party payment system business are also both to financial norms led to their slow development, Even only learn for similar the platform , Unable create a competitive advantage for business of the platform, For the future development of the domestic financial industry will have a significant impact. Therefore, this research intended to be understood the current views and suggestions on the payment of third-party payment by the domestic financial practitioners through the resource-based perspective. Through the resource-based perspective, we can find out the advantages that we already have or in the future and develop competitive financial service. In this paper, the research method for the indepth interview ,The reaearch will be visiting for the Senior manager of the bank in this case, the main interview content are included information of technology, digital finance, credit card payment, Try to understand the impact of respondents on the third-party payment business and the impact of mobile payments on third-party payments? Use the Resource-Based perspectives of the structure, try to understand the case of the current financial industry there are those competitive advantages? Look forward to through this understanding, Assist the financial industry to develop a competitive third-party payment platform structure to provide better digital financial services.

主题分类 商學院 > 資訊管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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