


Applications of Game Theory and Factor Analysis for supplier selection in asymmetric information






供應商評選 ; 賽局理論 ; 因素分析 ; 夏普利值 ; Supplier Selection ; Game Theory ; Factor Analysis ; Shapley Value












現今全球化經濟的環境下,企業面臨高度的市場競爭,必須不斷提升產品品質、技術能力,並致力於降低成本及縮短交期。為了達到提升競爭力的目標,企業除了加強自身競爭力之外,對於供應鏈上、下游需要有嚴格的控管,而其中最關鍵的步驟即為對供應商的選擇。透過遴選模式使企業有一定標準,比較出最合適供應商,以提升供應鏈整體競爭力。再者,回顧供應商評選文獻,過去的研究皆著重於品質、成本、交期等因素。然而,不同的製造商及不同的產品或製造程序對於供應商會有不同的需求及重要性。另一方面,資訊不對稱或是資訊不完全對稱為常見的研究假設。但是現實狀況中,鮮少有這種情況,因此本研究以資訊不完全對稱作為假設。 本研究將提出一考量製造商與供應商策略的評選模式。希望針對不同需求及不同製造程序的產品,先利用因素分析篩選出最適當的供應商評選指標,並找出各評選指標的權重機率值。接下來,使用賽局理論中的混和策略,將供應商和製造商雙方評選的機率函數納入考量,完整建立出一供應商評選模式。並使用SPSS及EXCEL軟體進行輔助。在計算出供應商評比值後,將各製程中各供應商間的互動形成一多人合作賽局,依據供應商評分值計算出各供應商夏普利值,進行訂單分配,提供合理分配訂單的方式。


In today's global economy, business is faced with fierce market competition. In this situation, enterprises must continuously improve their product quality and technical capabilities, and strive to reduce costs and shortening delivery times. For these competitiveness enhancements, they should not only strengthen their internal competitiveness but also have strict control over the supply chain. One of the most crucial factors is the choice of suppliers. Through the selection mode, enterprises have a certain standard to compare the most suitable suppliers that enhance the overall competitiveness of the supply chain. A lot of supplier selection study focused on quality, cost and delivery time. However, different manufacturers with different products and manufacturing procedures may have different needs and importance for suppliers. Moreover, previous studies assumed that both the manufacturer and the supplier are information transparent. While in a real situation, information opacity is more realistic. Therefore, this study considers the information opacity of both parties. This study proposes a selection model that considers the strategy of the manufacturer and the suppliers. First, Factor Analysis can be used to find the most appropriate selection criteria or different needs and different manufacturing processes of the product. Second, use the criteria and their weight to Game Theory mix strategy that considers suppliers and manufacturer probability function of selection, to complete the establishment of the supplier selection model. Third, after counting each supplier use the score to calculate the Shapley value of each supplier. Finally, use the Shapley value to distribute the orders of the manufacturer equitably.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 工業與系統工程學系
工程學 > 工程學總論
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