Since 1990, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has developed from 3-inch to 6-inch Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display, called TFT-LCD. From the completion of its establishing the factory in 1994, ITRI started producing monitor-sized TFT-LCD. After investing to expand the factory in 1997, ITRI started producing TV-sized TFT-LCD panels. Just within ten more years, its TV-sized TFT-LCD panels completely replaced Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). The mass production technology of TFT-LCD started from the third-generation factory to the eighth, which it’s only more than two decades. Demand side’s requirements of its panel specifications and yields were becoming stricter and stricter. What’s more, to raise the quality of its products, TFT – LCD industry continuously renewed its production materials. After the mass production less than ten years, about the point-type defects, lots of production equipment had been unable to meet the yield standard by Six Sigma, the accuracy that customers needed. During this transitional period, the production lines would use the method of laser repair to mend the defective products into the good ones. This study focuses on the productivity of TFT-LCD’s laser repair stations, using the improvement tactics of Six Sigma DMAIC(Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) along with lean production to eliminate waste and teamwork pattern to find out the main reason which affected the waste of the laser repair stations. And ultimately, set up the future production mode by Standard Operation Procedure (SOP), and it’s expected that the production system will remain smooth and lean.
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