


A Research on Strategic Group of Certification Industry in Taiwan—Energy Management Systems as an Example






驗證產業 ; 能源管理系統 ; 策略群組 ; 合圖法 ; Certification Industry ; Energy Management System ; Strategic Group ; Co-plot Method












隨著環保法令法規日趨嚴格與環保議題興起,許多國際企業紛紛制訂綠色採購標準,要求供應鏈體系符合節能、可回收、無毒性等規範要求,以降低對環境帶來之污染,並且符合多國環保標準之規範,能源管理系統(Energy Management System)為財團法人全國認證基金會(Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, TAF)近年來新興發展且具有潛力之系統認證服務。 驗證產業是相當特殊的行業性質,其規模、資源的大小差異極大,驗證機構內策略運作、業務營運與現有資源等均屬於商業機密,顯少有公開揭露資訊,以往就驗證產業的相關研究大多以個別驗證機構為主要研究對象,在產業的策略群組這部份、仍缺乏相關著作及論述,有鑑於此本研究以2012年至2017年登錄在TAF能源管理系統認證之臺灣驗證產業所公開揭露之原始數據資料(2017年4月),逐一進行資料的篩選、彙整與分析。 本研究透過策略群組的理論架構,將篩選彙整後之能源管理系統「各產業別核證資格量」原始數據進行加權處理,作為「前期結構(策略前)」構面的選定,並以「各產業別證書發證量」原始數據作為「後期績效(策略後)」構面的選定,運用Co-plot (合圖法),將多維變數關係得出二維平面圖,進行產業現況分析與實證結果說明,以樣本的相近群聚的情形,進行驗證產業策略群組「前期結構」與「後期績效」之分群說明。同時依據驗證產業「後期績效」分群的現況劃分之四大群組進行命名,分別為「廣域績優群」、「窄域業績群」、「窄域利潤群」、「持平維生群」等說明於產業績效中各群組之特徵,最後再以「合併合圖」及「原始數據所轉換之百分比」呈現驗證機構前期結構與後期績效之比較分析,期能對臺灣驗證產業提供後續研究與實務上之建議。


With the implementation of tighter environmental regulations and a rising awareness of environmental issues, many global enterprises have drawn up green procurement standards to mandate supply chain systems to fulfill environment related requirements like power-saving, recycling, non-toxic and other relevant requirements, in order to reduce the environmental pollution and to comply with the regulations of many national environmental regulations. The Energy Management Systems, developed by the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF), is the emerging and promising authorization service system. The properties of verification industry are very unique. The scale and resource of a verification institution may vary greatly from one to another. In addition, all of the internal strategy practices, business operations and existing resources are be business confidential for a verification institution and few if any, are disclosed. In the past, most researches in the verification industry are based on each individual verification institution, and there are few relevant works and discourses describing the strategic group of the industry. In view of this, this research collects the related raw data registered in the Energy Management Systems of TAF since 2012 to 2017 April, and screens, organizes and analyzes these data respectively. Based on the theoretical framework of strategic groups, this research weighs the screened and organized raw data of the Energy Management Systems, and sets not only the preceding structure (pre-strategy) with the number of qualification issuing certifications for each industry, but also the following performance (post-strategy) with the number of issued certifications for each industry. Furthermore, it converts the multi-dimensional variables relation to the two-dimensional drawing with the Co-plot method for the analysis of current industrial development and the descriptions of the empirical results, and develops the clustering descriptions for the preceding structure and following performance of the strategic group of verification industry with the sample similarity and clustering. It divides the data into four groups as a result based on the following performance of the verification industry. Also, it names the groups as the “wide-area / high-performance”, “narrow-area / sales-focused”, “narrow-area / profit-focused”, and “survival / maintenance”, respectively, in order to describe the characteristics of each group in industrial performance. Finally, it expresses the comparison and analysis of the pre-strategy as well as post-strategy periods of verification industry with the “combined co-plot” and the “transformed percentage of raw data”, so as to provide the further research suggestions and practical recommendations for the verification industry in Taiwan.

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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