


Key Success Factors of Hot Pot Shop with High Quality and Parity






餐飲業 ; 關鍵成功因素 ; 德爾菲法 ; 以決策實驗室法為基礎的網路程序分析法 ; Food Iindustry ; Key Success Factors ; Delphi Method ; DANP












2008年金融海嘯爆發後,亞洲中產階級興起,大量脫貧進入小康之中產族群,兼具所得受限性與富裕中產生活升級動力,衍生優質平價需求缺口。國內經濟景氣不佳,加上M型社會衝擊影響,民眾餐飲支出錙銖必較,平價奢華、高貴不貴、物超所值之消費模式形成一股龐大市場商機。根據台灣連鎖暨加盟協會統計(經濟部,2015),火鍋店2014年有75個品牌,總店數1437家,和2011年相比,火鍋店增加456家,是增加最多的餐飲業種,可見台灣人對火鍋的喜愛程度。隨著餐飲集團紛紛進軍火鍋市場,小型火鍋店礙於經營規模,品牌形象及有限資源,使得生存面臨一大挑戰;因而對經營者而言,了解消費者重視的重要因素及各因素間的關聯性,以滿足消費者需求,是重要的課題。 本研究主要範圍為餐飲產業。研究對象分為兩部分,一為一般消費者,主要目的在瞭解並為「優質平價」作定義;一為餐飲業經營者,主要作為本研究之專家群體,以利瞭解及萃取優質平價火鍋店經營關鍵成功因素。 問卷以火鍋消費者為受測對象,共發放438份,有效回收438份,將所得資料數據加以整理、歸類、繪製成圖和表,本研究定義平價火鍋價位為100-199元(52.74%),及優質服務內容有餐廳內環境清潔與安全等15項。再由文獻探討得到餐飲經營關鍵因素,接下來透過德爾菲法專家問卷調查、進行兩回合問卷並決定評選構面及準則,主要包括「顧客」、「財務」、「內部管理」、「學習成長」及「行銷策略」等五個構面及17個準則,以餐廳經營者爲問卷發放對象,應用決策實驗室分析法為基礎的網路程序分析法解析構面及準則的因果關係,最後依據研究結果作分析及討論。 本研究結果為成本控制與領導力互相影響,其中領導力直接影響品質管控、價格策略、產品策略及顧客關係。而因果圖中顯現領導力與成本控制是關鍵準則,經營者可由關鍵準則投入資源以強化本身優勢,最後吸引消費者選擇。


After the financial crisis of 2008, a large part of poverty struck population escaped hardship, resulting in a significant rise in the mid class. However, even though having escaped poverty, this group of individuals still faced income constraints while attempting to keep up with a certain more privileged lifestyle. Through these unique circumstances, there emerged a gap for this population’s niche quality of life. Due to the recent economic downfall and M-type social impact, individuals adapted a frugal and strategic behavior when purchasing food and beverages. The consumption patterns included buying high quality yet inexpensive commodities and buying more value with less money. According to the Taiwan Chain Plus Association (Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2015), in 2014 there were 75 unique brands of hot pot restaurants totaling to 1437 store locations. The number of store fronts has increased by 456 since 2011, the largest increase in the Taiwanese food industry at the time due to the consumer’s infatuation with hot pot. Due to the booming success and growth of the hot pot industry, many smaller, family owned stores were determined to enter the market and make a profit of their own. However, the smaller businesses had limited resources which became a challenge to them as they tried to stay afloat in the industry. To tackle this challenge, small hot pot business operators had to strive to understand the important factors of hot pot and the market space in order to cater and appeal to their customer’s demands. This study focuses on the two different parts of the catering industry, the general customers and the business owners. The purpose of the paper is for customers to recognize genuine quality in hot pot and for business owners to endeavor to achieve this factor of success. The sample size of the survey was 438 hot pot consumers. After collecting all 438 questionnaires back, the data was then sorted and mapped out to reflect each individuals’ response. The responses emulated the market price ranges of hot pot, ranging from NT$ 100 -199 (52.47%). The questionnaire also included the consumer’s evaluation of specific restaurants on 15 different items regarding health, cleanliness and overall ambiance. Through analyzing many articles, I perceived the key success factors of hot pot restaurant management. The Delphi questionnaires consists of two rounds of surveys, and I decided to base my research methodology on it. I opted to use specific dimensions to analyze the hot pot market space and customers. The core dimensions of my research are consumer mannerisms, cost control, internal management, leadership and growth and marketing strategy. These 5 dimensions along with 17 standards were targeted towards questioning the hot pot business owners. This method of analysis is then used to study and investigate the delicate cause and effect relationship between customers and business owners. Finally these results were interpreted and discussed. The results of the study is that cost control and leadership influence are positively correlated. Furthermore, leadership will directly affect quality control, price strategies, product strategies and customer relations. Through and cause and effect relationship map I concluded that business owners can invest in their leadership and cost strategy to strengthen their business and run a successful hot pot restaurant.

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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