
租賃業風險控管與營運策略之研究 -以個案A公司重車分期付款為例


Risk Management and Operation Strategies in Leasing Industry - Case Studies of Heavy Vehicle’s Installment Program in Company A.






租賃業 ; 重車分期付款 ; 融資 ; 靠行 ; leasing industry ; heavy vehicle installment payment ; financing ; join a company












近幾年來由於國內金融環境的變化,中小企業在資金融資管道上更需要多元化,而租賃業屬於現代商業活動中資金借貸的新興模式,因此也成為企業重要的資金供應者;租賃公司是透過以融物的方式進行實質借貸,讓中小企業能夠在最短的時間內取得營業上所需要的資金。本研究主要探討租賃業在從事重車分期付款業務時所面臨的風險與如何調整適當的營運策略。 在租賃業所謂的重車俗成為卡車與大客車,屬於營業行為的運輸交通工具,以重車分期付款這個產業來說,其屬於產業資訊較為封閉型的產業,一般大眾對重車分期這項業務之相關資訊並不瞭解,而本研究以個案公司在從事重車分期付款時,所面臨的風險類型進行探討與分析,以瞭解在問題發生時應該採取何種策略來因應。在研究過程中發現,租賃公司在承作重車分期付款時雖然個案都有擔保標的車輛,但是當遭遇到整體經濟環境不佳或發生非人為可控制的重大災害時,則會影響債務人的還款能力及還款意願,而造成租賃公司的損失;另外在營運過程中債務人的道德風險所產生的損失,對於租賃公司來說更是難以在審查過程中可以事先且有效防範的另一項潛在風險。 本研究透過以個案公司的實際案例,與訪談內容整理分析得出研究結論;租賃公司在從事重車分期業務時,對於市場風險與競爭風險以及信用風險的掌控需相當的嚴謹才能避免損失,以廣泛穩定的資金來源、專業人才的培育、通路掌握與關係維護、產品差異化的市場區格、健全的審查機制等最為重要,唯有如此來因應市場所帶來的變化,才能在風險波動時順利避開降低損失確保獲利永續經營。


In recent years, due to the change of the domestic financial environment, the small and medium-sized enterprises are in need of more diversified capital and financing channels. As the leasing industry belongs to a new capital financing model in current business activities, which also becomes an important capital supplier for enterprises. Leasing company provide small and medium-sized enterprises the funds they need for business operation in the shortest possible time through the form of finance assets for substantial loans. This research is mainly to explore the risks coming with the leasing in heavy vehicles installment payment business and how to adjust the appropriate operating strategies. In leasing industry, the heavy vehicles generally refer to trucks and buses, which are transportation used for business purposes. In respect of installment payment of heavy vehicle, its industrial information belongs to a closed-end type of industry. As publics are not familiar with relevant information of such business, this research would like to explore and analyze the risk types the case company face upon the business of heavy vehicle installment payment, and to understand what kind of strategy shall be used in response to a specific problem that happens. It was discovered that though target vehicles are ensured as collaterals when the leasing company processes the business of heavy vehicle installment payment, it would still suffer loss in case of a global economy depression or disasters not controllable by human that affect the debtor's loan repayment ability or willingness. In addition, the loss generated from the ethical risk of debtor during the business process is also another potential threat that is difficult to be effectually prevented beforehand for the leasing company during the review process. This research obtained the conclusions via the analysis and arrangement of the interview content of an actual case in the case company. The leasing company shall be careful and prudent for the control of market and competitive risks as well as credit exposure to prevent loss when carrying out the heavy vehicle installment payment business. The most important respects to be considered are: diversified and stable funds sources, professional talent cultivation, channels control and relationship maintenance, product differentiation and market separation, and wholesome review processes, with which the leasing company can respond to the change of market and to reduce loss and ensure profits for sustainable business operation upon risks.

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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