


Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Zinc(Ⅱ) Coordination Polymers containing 4-aminopyridine






配位高分子 ; 二價鋅 ; Coordination Polymers ; Zinc(Ⅱ)












本論文主旨在於探討含4-胺基吡啶(4-aminopyridine),L,與苯二甲酸配位基的鋅之錯合物[Zn2(L)4(1,2-BDC)2] (1,2-H2BDC = benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid), 1與{[Zn2(L)4(1,3-BDC)2]}n (1,3-H2BDC = benzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid), 2。這些化合物藉由單晶X-ray繞射儀來鑑定其結構,更進一步使用元素分析儀、粉末X-ray繞射儀、熱重分析儀以及紅外線光譜儀來研究這些化合物的特性。 化合物1以鋅金屬為中心鍵結兩個來自有機配位基的氮原子及兩個來自兩個苯二甲酸配位基的氧原子,鋅金屬中心形成扭曲的四面體結構。化合物1藉由酸配位基的橋接形成零維的結構,更進一步的透過有機配位基的π---π作用力和氫鍵形成二維的超分子結構。 化合物2以鋅金屬為中心鍵結來自兩個有機配位基的氮原子及兩個來自兩個苯二甲酸配位基的氧原子,鋅金屬中心形成扭曲的四面體結構。化合物2藉由酸配位基的連結形成一維的螺旋鏈配位高分子,進而利用有機配位基與苯二甲酸形成之N-H---O氫鍵作用力,形成二維的超分子結構。


Two Zn(II) complexes containing 4-aminopyridine (L) and benzenedicarboxylate ligands, [Zn2(L)4(1,2-BDC)2] (1,2-H2BDC = benzene-1,2-dicarboxylic acid), 1, and {[ Zn2(L)4(1,3-BDC)2] }n(1,3-H2BDC = benzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid), 2, are reported, which were prepared by hydrothermal reactions. Their structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses and further characterized by elemental analyses, powder X-ray diffraction and thermal gravimetric analysis. Complex 1 is a dinuclear complex and the zinc metal center is coordinated by two pyridyl nitrogen atoms from two L and two oxygen atoms from two 1,2-BDC2- ligands, forming a distorted tetrahedral geometry. A two-dimensional structure is formed through the linkage by both π---π stacking interactions and the hydrogen bonds. Complex 2 is a 1D coordination polymer and the zinc metal center is coordinated by two pyridyl nitrogen atoms from two L and two oxygen atoms from two 1,3-BDC2- ligands, forming a distorted tetrahedral geometry. A two-dimensional supramolecular structure is formed throgh the linkage by the N-H---O hydrogen bonds.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 化學
理學院 > 化學系
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