


Brand Angel: Motivation Mechanism in On-Job Training To Sales Core Competence in Mobile Learning App






品牌導師 在職訓練 核心職能 激勵機制 行動式學習 ; Brand-Angel On-Job-Training-Core Competency-Motivation Mechanism Mobile-Learning












本論文討論與分析企業的銷售流程、核心能力與激勵機制,建構品牌導師(Brand Angel) App。藉由此行動式學習App的教育訓練模式,提升學員核心能力。協助主管、培訓老師,掌握員工或學員在工作職場,對於企業核心能力了解程度,有效掌握企業組織之績效。 以北部兩家H牌汽車業的營業所,共18人進行使用品牌導師App教育訓練,研究品牌導師App物質、社會與成就型激勵機制,對於汽車銷售產業營業員的影響,以改編自張士峯(2011)激勵機制量表收集數據。實驗結果發現,營業員對於物質型的激勵機制有最高的認同度達4.17,其中又以獎金價值性最高;相對於社會型激勵機制的認同度最低僅2.91,其中以彼此交流各種經驗的價值性最低。 實驗後與營業經理進行訪談,營業經理認同透過Brand Angel App,可以掌握目前旗下營業員,對於企業各項核心能力了解的程度。並建議:1. 將評量簡單模式結合閱讀模式; 2. 評鑑模式下新增閱讀、任務、評量的學習進度; 3.教材對應多項核心能力,提高核心能力的參考的價值; 4. 新增討論區提供教育訓練、成功的銷售案例問題與解答交流。


The procedures of enterprise sales, the core competency, the motivation mechanism and the structure of Brand Angel App are discussed and analyzed in this study. The education and training mode of Mobile Learning App is to improve students’ core competence. Thus, supervisors and trainers know about the core competence of an enterprise from employees and learners in the workplace, while effectively grasping the performance of enterprise organization. In the two H automobile offices form the north region, 18 people use Brand Angel App. Though studying a phenomenon from Brand Angel App and the incentive mechanism about material, society and achievement impact salesmen from car sales industry, the data is adapted from the incentive form of Shih-Feng Chang (2011) The result shows that the highest value of agreement about material incentive mechanisms from salesmen was 4.17, and the value of reward reached the highest among them. However, social incentive mechanism got the lowest 2.91, which was also the lowest value about the different communication experience. After the test, the author interviewed the business manager. He agreed with the view that he can learn the degree of understanding various core competency from own staff. And he gave some suggestions: 1. The test model should be combined with reading model; 2. The learning process of reading, task and evaluation should be added with the appraisement model; 3. The teaching material should be suitable for the core competency and improve the value of reference about it; 4. Education training, successful marketing case questions and answers should be provided in the new discussion forum.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
電機資訊學院 > 資訊工程學系
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