


The Visual Redesign and Promotion Strategy of the Traditional Rice Mill in Taiwan – Applied in Chiayi Yong Fa rice mill






米食文化 ; 傳統碾米廠 ; 推廣策略 ; 禮盒包裝 ; Rice culture ; Traditional rice mill ; Promotion strategy ; Package












飲食,撮合了一個地方的人文特色與風土條件,是日常生活,也是文化,自古以來,「以農立國」的傳統是我們最古老的生活使命,稻米、茶葉與瓜果...等,其不僅是美麗之島的恩典,在經貿歷史上更是創匯要角。而近年來國內稻米產業出現飲食多元及西化、米食需求量減少等問題,傳統米店、米舖也面臨目標客群逐年式微等威脅,須改變經營型態方能避免被市場所淘汰。因此本次創作將針對至今以走過六十幾個年頭,位於嘉義市區的「永發碾米工廠」進行深度訪談與實地調查,思考如何延續品牌精神與價值,並拓展其銷售範圍,是本次創作最重要的課題。 筆者於文獻章節中,探討台灣米食文化的發展、稻米產業的市場概況、傳統碾米產業的變動等。再從視覺設計的角度切入,綜合分析台灣大型米品牌及近年崛起的小農品牌其經營模式、推廣策略、視覺設計等,將文獻探討與案例分析結果作為本創作之參考。 在整體視覺設計規劃上,本創作探索永發碾米工廠的歷史脈絡與情感價值,並將其以手繪的技法表現於圖像上,廣泛運用於整體碾米廠視覺,並延伸至禮盒禮品包裝、社群網站、店面空間等,並透過推廣策略擴展消費客群,期盼能帶給永發碾米工廠不一樣的存在契機,也能夠走出台灣米品牌的另一種風貌,讓世代賴以生存,永續傳承。


The diet, kneaded together a place’s customs and characteristics, it is an essential part of the daily life, and it adds flavors to the culture. Since the ancient time, the tradition saying of “setting up the nation based on agriculture” has been our ancestors’ life mission. Paddy rice, tea, fruits and melons…etc, are not only a gift of kindness from the beautiful island, they are also means of bringing in foreign incomes and are essential in the growth of economic and trade history of Taiwan. But in recent years, Taiwan’s rice industry are becoming more and more multi-dimensional and westernized, the traditional rice milling industry had to change their management strategy in order to avoid being eliminated from the current market. Therefore, this creation aims to create new strategies to improve “Yongfa Rice milling Factory” located the Chiayi urban district, which has been running their business for over sixty years. This research is to carry on the discussion and ponder on how to develop its sales scope, disseminated the brand image, and also to extent the brand spirit. These are the main objectives of this creation. The author in the literature chapter, discusses the Taiwan rice culture and food development, the paddy rice industry market survey, the traditional rice milling industry change, and so on. Then cuts into from the visual plane design perspective, the generalized analysis of Taiwan’s large-scale rice brand and the small farmer brand which rose from recent years, the operation pattern, the marketing strategy, the visual design, and so on, taking the literature discussion and the case analysis result reference in this creation. In the overall visual design and planning, the design aims to explore the creation of the rice milling historical context, emotional value. The design uses techniques with hand-painted images from the rice-paddy field. Theses images are widely used in rice mills overall vision, and extends to the gift-wraps, social networking site, and store space. Through the promotion of policies extension and consumer segments, the creation looks forward to bringing more opportunities for the Rice Milling Factory. It aims to create a new path for Taiwan’s rice brand, to ensure the survival of the generations to come, and to sustain heritage.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
設計學院 > 商業設計學系
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