


The Implication of Aesthetics Philosophy Applying in Automobile Industry--How Aesthetic Dominate Brand Positioning






五感美學;品牌識別;消費者知覺 ; Five sense of aesthetics;Brand recognition;Consumer perception












本文將從汽車工業的歷史演進開始探討,其中包括汽車工業如何受到技術的革新及社會風氣的變化而影響行銷策略或外型設計。而隨著國際化的技術交流及併購,各國的汽車製造及汽車設計門檻逐漸降低,而開始著重於發展屬於自身品牌的獨特性及不可取代性之美學設計。而汽車工業發展至今可以以歐系車、美系車、日系車及韓系車為四大主流車系。 由於越來越多國家投入自有汽車品牌的發展,故許多區域性的汽車品牌如雨後春筍般的出現,故本研究著重在以台灣市場2014年銷售名列前十名的汽車品牌並另外加上了韓系車的代表-現代汽車為研究對象,以探討汽車品牌美學與行銷績效的相關性為研究目的。並針對此論文題目進行文獻收集,並以蔣勳的生活美學為主要架構去設計之後的研究方向。 汽車品牌及車款的多樣化發展,讓除了金字塔頂端的消費者外,一般受薪階級也都有機會擁有屬於自己的一台汽車。故汽車已經成為人類生活中不可或缺的產品。在此前提下,如何將汽車設計與消費者的生活型態做連結,則成為汽車品牌公司的主要策略。故本研究參考了蔣勳的生活美學概念,並以此概念作為接下來的研究架構,以問卷調查針對消費大眾進行品牌美感滿意度調查,再輔以專家訪談驗證汽車品牌美學與行銷績效的相關性。 對於消費者而言,汽車絕對不再只是代步工具而已,而是自我內心某種性格或價值觀的反射,因此汽車除了性能之外,在品牌整體的美學設計上必須感動到消費者的內心,如此,才能夠形成消費者對於品牌識別的知覺恆常性及永久性,同時影響實際的銷售數字。 關鍵字:五感美學、品牌識別、消費者知覺


The article was studied from the historical evolution of the automotive industry, including how the automotive industry affected by the changes of technology innovation and social climate and to set up the marketing strategies or exterior design. With the international technology exchanges and acquisitions, automotive manufacturing and design began to focus on the development of part of its own aesthtic brand identity and uniqueness. The development of automobile industry has been possible to European cars, American cars, Japanese cars and Korean cars which are the main categories of the automobile. As more and more countries start the development of own-brand cars, including many regional brands, the research is on the basis of sales of Taiwanese market in 2014 among the top ten automotive brands and plus Hyundai for the study to explore the implication of aesthetics and marketing performance. Research and literature for this thesis topic was collected and designed by life aesthetics as the main framework. The diversification of automotive brand is not only for the top of the pyramid consumers, but also benefit to the general consumers, they also have the opportunity to buy their own car. Therefore, the automobile has become an essential part of human life. In this context, how to design automobile and make it to link the lifestyle of consumers has become the company's main strategy. And thus the concept of this construction as the next study. The questionnaire survey was conducted brand aesthetic satisfaction questions for the public, supplemented by interviews with experts to verify automobile brand marketing aesthetics and performance implication. For the consumers, automobile is definitely no longer just a means of transport only, but kind of inner self reflection character or values, so in addition to car performance, thel aesthetic design of the brand must be moved to the hearts of consumers, therefore, it is important to form consumer brand constancy and permanent, at the same time to influence the actual sales figures. Keywords: five senses of aesthetics, brand recognition, consumer perception

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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