


Applications of ANP on Identifying Factors of a Green Port - A Case Study of Kaohsiung Harbor






綠色港口 ; 分析網路程序法(ANP) ; 層級分析法(AHP) ; Super Decisions ; Green port ; Analytic Network Process (ANP) ; Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) ; Super Decisions












隨著全球氣候異常、溫室效應等現象日漸嚴重,世界各地都有傳出因環境、生態的破壞及汙染而造成的災害,使人們意識到環境保護與永續發展的重要性。在全球貿易的世代中且環保意識抬頭的情況下,為了要維持經濟的發展並且重視到環境的保護,綠色港口的觀念逐漸的被提出,並已經成為了環保及永續的指標。 本研究蒐集與彙整國內外主要的國際商港在發展綠色港口上之相關措施,整理出環境、港口與船商、社會及政府層面,並將這四大層面再細分成各發展綠色港口會考慮到的發展要素。利用問卷訪問的方式請港務局人員幫忙填寫要素重要性評比,透過分析網路程序法(ANP)及層級分析法(AHP)進行分析評估,並運用Super Decisions運算,求得各項發展要素的權重值,將權重值較大的評估要素做為推行綠色港口發展首要考量的發展要素,最後給予港務局作為參考,並將AHP分析出的結果作為對照組,探討運用兩種分析在同一個問題上結果是否會有所不同。 從分析網路程序法(ANP)分析出來得結果則是環境品質方面進行改善與政府方的支持補助為發展綠色港口重要的關鍵,而在層級分析法(AHP)分析出來的結果可以發現在環境的改善及港口與船商的配合是發展綠色港口重要的關鍵。因分析出來的結果不盡相同,因此最後請港務局處長從考量到港口實際發展上,得到層級分析法(AHP)分析出來的結果是較符合港口實際考量到的要素。


With the severity of climate anomalies, the greenhouse effect, and other phenomena, there are disasters due to environmental and ecological destruction and pollution all of the world. Therefore, people realize the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development. Due to global trade and the rising awareness of environmental protection, the concept of a green port has been gradually proposed to sustain economic growth and notice environmental protection. The green port also has become an indicator of environmental protection and sustainable development. This study collects and organizes measures of domestic and foreign major international ports in developing the green harbors to sort out four levels: the environment, harbors and ship suppliers, the community, and the government. These four levels then subdivide into various factors in developing green ports. Data are collected by questionnaires. The surveys are collected in staffs of the Port Authority to evaluate the importance of factors. Use Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to analyze and evaluate data and use Super Decisions to obtain the weights of various factors. Then, use factors with the larger weights as the priority of factors in achieving green ports. Last, provide the Port Authority results as a reference and discuss whether the results of the same question by using two kinds of analysis would be different. From the analysis of Analytic Network Process (ANP), the result shows that improving the quality of the environment and the supports from the government are critical factors. On the other hand, from the analysis of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the result shows that improving environment and the coordination of harbors and ship suppliers are key factors in developing green ports. The results of two analyses are different, the director of the Port Authority takes realistic development into consideration and indicates that the analysis of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) fits the real concern much more.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 工業與系統工程學系
工程學 > 工程學總論
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