


The Empirical Study of the Implementation of Quality Management for Enterprises






實施-成效分析矩陣 ; 品質管理 ; 中小企業 ; 大型企業 ; 製造業 ; 服務業 ; Implementation-Effectiveness analysis matrix ; SMEs ; Manufacturing ; Large enterprises ; Service ; Quality management












中小企業的許多品管手法是跟大型企業學習的,大型企業因組織架構完整、資源及人力充足,因此在品質管理的實施上會比中小企業好,而早期許多的品管做法都是製造業先發展出來的,服務業要推動品管時往往會跟製造業學習。因此本研究欲瞭解中小企業與大型企業、製造業與服務業在品質管理的推動上有多大差異。 首先透過文獻探討,將相關的品質管理活動分為產品品質階段、流程品質階段、系統品質階段、全面品質階段和經營品質階段,並透過專家學者的意見進行適度修改,整合了一套具有階段性的品質管理推動實務。接著透過問卷進行實證調查,以瞭解中小企業、大型企業、製造業、服務業對於各階段品質管理活動的實施程度和實施成效之狀況及其差異。資料回收後利用SPSS統計分析軟體進行信度效度的檢驗、敘述性統計、相關分析及獨立樣本t檢定。最後並以問卷的結果進行實施-成效分析矩陣的分析,以瞭解中小企業與大型企業、製造業與服務業在各品質管理階段落入改善區之項目,並探討改善的對策。期望經由本研究的呈現,可作為企業界未來推行品質管理運作實務的參考依據,以有效提升企業的品質績效及競爭優勢。


Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) learn and adapt many of the quality practices from large enterprises. Large enterprises often have good organizational structures, enough resources and manpower, which leads to a better implementation of quality management compared to SMEs. In addition, many of the quality practices were initially developed in manufacturing industries. The service industries, on the other hand, tend to aquire these practices by learning from the manufacturing industry. Therefore this study focused on understanding the differences between SMEs, large enterprises, manufacturing and service industries in terms of their implementation of quality management. In this research, we first divide the quality practices into five implementation stages: product quality, process quality, system quality, total quality and business quality. The five stages of quality practice for enterprises are developed based on the previous literature review and expert’s opinions. We conduct a questionnaire survey based on the developed model to investigate the implementation level and effectiveness degree of these quality activities for different sized enterprises and different industries. The data will be analyzed by using SPSS statistical software. The Implementation-Effectiveness analysis matrix is also used to know which quality practice items should be improved. Hopefully, this study can serve as reference for the enterprises as they implement the quality practices in order to enhance their business performance and competitive advantage.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 工業與系統工程學系
工程學 > 工程學總論
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