


The Strategic Actions with Regard to Customer variability and Employee variability – The Empirical Study for Hotel Industry






員工變異 ; 旅館業 ; 策略性做法 ; 顧客變異 ; 服務品質 ; Employee variability ; Customer variability ; Hotel industries ; Service quality ; Strategy action












近年來政府很重視觀光產業的發展,主要目的是在於協助觀光產業提昇其競爭優勢與未來發展。在旅館服務的過程中,顧客及員工均會參與其中,因此,顧客變異(Customer variability)及員工變異(Employee variability)是服務品質的關鍵影響因素。於是,顧客變異與員工變異不僅影響到顧客滿意度,甚至進而影響顧客忠誠度。於是,基於此觀點,旅館服務的顧客變異及員工變異是值得研究的。 本研究藉由文獻探討彙整出在旅館服務中的顧客變異及員工變異之類型,以及提出減低這些變異的策略活動。因此,本研究針對台灣的旅館業進行問卷調查,並藉由實際的調查及分析結果,了解其旅館業之顧客變異及員工變異上的實際情況和降低其變異之策略性對策之實施程度和實施成效,再利用I-P分析模式加以分析。提供旅館業者在消除顧客變異及員工變異之策略性對策上的參考依據,以幫助旅館業者在服務品質上的提昇與管理。


The government in Taiwan has always emphasized the tourism industries, the aim is to help the tourism industry to enhance their competitive advantage and future development. Hotel industries play the critical roles in the development of tourism industry. During the provision process of hotel service, both customers and employees involve in the process, therefore, the customer variability and employee variability are the key factors that affact the service quality significantly. It is thus that these kinds of variability determine the customer satisfaction, and hence the customer loyalty. Regard to this critical view, the issues of customer variability and employee variability in hotel service are worthy to study. Based on the related studies, we first discuss the typologies of customer variability and employee variability in the hotel service, and study the strategic actions used to decrease these variability. After these conceptural frameworks are developed, this study use questionnaire survey to investigate the actual situations of these typologies of customer variability and employee variability for hotel industry, and the implementation levels of the strategic actions used to decrease the customer variability and employee variability. In the final, we use statistical analysis and I-P analysis model to find out the critically strategic actions. The result of this study can offer the hotel industries as a reference when they want to plan the strategies and control actions to reduce the variability of service, and enhance the customer satisfaction.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 工業與系統工程學系
工程學 > 工程學總論
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