ECG monitoring equipment that picks up feeble body physical signals and the other hand this usually had a great effect upon the accuracy of the output signals by the test environment and equipment.It designs analog filter circuit that points on the accuracy of the output signal. It can be the output signal makes sure to operation at a predetermined frequency range.
OTA (Operational Transconductaance Amplifier) is best candidate for analog filter circuit design identified by savants recently. The main character of OTA is Io=Gm(V+-V-), where Io stands for output current, V+ stands for positive input voltage, V- stands for negative input voltage, Gm stands for trans-conductance value, and the input current I+=I-=0. In addition to an external active components,transduction gain Gm is electrically adjustable outside,the circuit design is complete without the use of the advantages of resistor,so we decided to choose it as the thesis of the active components when designing circuits.
Part of the circuit design are the voltage signals into current signals directly to facilitate the addition and subtraction number of parts can be saved,design of the course according to the admittance matrix analysis,complex transfer function, the conversion formula for the admittance matrix,each equation is a simple formula
it is easy to use operational amplifiers with capacitive transduction to achieve the final circuit and then again all the simple overlap, to complete a full circuit in line with the transfer function.
Design of the 60 Hz band reject filter circuit, it apply to filter in the mains,with Hspice simulation to achieve, we will keep researching in LM13700 to achieve,Found during the LM13700 in the realization of Gm only difference between the maximum and minimum value of 1.94 times,will be used to achieve a large number of IC.OTA circuit has an internal ideal current source, if the future is becomes on chip, inside OTA has a perfect Current source that replace Current mirror, The original value g is controlled by circuit and that change by voltage because the circuit can be easy to achieve.
Finally, the paper design of the 60 Hz elliptic filter band reject filter circuit , looking forward to make on chip, in order to achieve the use of ECG.
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[14]看圖識字ECG 作者: 張志偉 醫學博士, 加拿大皇家內科學院院士
繪圖: 葉漢武 附屬單位: 香港中文大學 翻譯: 張舒 北京協和醫學院
[15]ECG 電路之設計與量測及心率變異度分析 國立勤益科大民生電子研討會 WCE2009
( http://www.national.com/ds/LM/LM13700.pdf)