


A Study on Pitching Robotic Arm Using Visual Servoing






機械手臂 ; 機械手指 ; 視覺伺服 ; 立體視覺 ; manipulator. ; manipulator design ; curve fitting ; stereo vision system














Purpose of study is that using visual servoing on pitching robotic arm system in this paper. A four-degree of freedom manipulators set with a four finger robotic hand. Furthermore, a stereo vision system has been made by two CCD cameras. Frist, the visual system can find the target point in three-dimension by using color conversion, color filter, feature extraction, binary images and centroid calculation. Second, choosing some known points to find arm parameter, motor speed and angles. Finally, the parameter function could be fitted by spline. According to experiment result shows that the system could pitch a target that is 1.6 meter far away and only 5 centimeter difference.

主题分类 工學院 > 機械工程學系
工程學 > 機械工程
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