Through the browser of CAD, this study is focus on developing a navigating process for gate and runner design. Under the knowledge management and combined with CAE Moldex3D explorer, this process is able to pre-simulate the feasibility of the design and prevent the waste from practical test. Gate design and runner design are ones of the most important steps in mold development; thus, by assorting the geometry parameter of each gate and runner, this navigating process provides references for designers to apply or to alter their designs. Based on different types of product, it helps designers to mark out the appropriate features of gate and runner. In the mean time, the previous information of gate and runner will be recorded for further application. The combination of CAD and navigating process helps the inexperienced users to be familiar with it; by discussing the problems of gate and runner, users are able to revise the features to be appropriate. With standardized procedure, the navigating process reduces 40 to 52 percent of the time for users to complete their designs; and under the knowledge management, its automatic function can reduce the errors of the design and thus achieve the high efficiency.
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