


Development of 3D Image Reconstruction Techniques Based on OpenCV for a Stereovision Platform Using Line Scan Cameras






三維影像重建 ; 自動化光學檢測 ; 線CCD ; 立體視覺 ; 半全域區塊匹配 ; 視差估算 ; 3D image reconstruction ; automated optical inspection ; stereo vision ; linear CCD ; semi global block matching ; disparity estimation














This paper aims to develop an automated optical inspection (AOI) system for 3D image reconstruction consisting of two line scan cameras, a single-axis motion platform driven by servo motor, and LED light sources. After completing the hardware device, in this paper, three disparity estimation algorithms such as block matching (BM), semi global block matching (SGBM), and graph cut (GC), are applied to the AOI system for comparing their performance. So we can choose the best one for the AOI system to reconstruct depth images. Next, this paper develops a graphical user interface (GUI) for users to manipulate the AOI system including control of the single-axis motion platform and line scan cameras, and parameters adjustment. Experimental results show that the proposed AOI system can reconstruct the depth image of a workpiece in just three seconds with average distortion rate 3%.

主题分类 工學院 > 機械工程學系
工程學 > 機械工程
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