None of the recently reported voltage-mode versatile filters is digitally programmable like application of easy addition of current-mode filtering signals to do the synthesis. And none of the recently reported Analytical Synthesis Methods is used for the realization of a multifunction filter. Both the above two induced motivations of researches have been merged, developed, and solved in this brief on the voltage-mode OTA-C universal biquad filter which still achieves many advantages like the employments of all sigle-ended-input OTAs, all grounded capacitors, and the least number in addition to have an controllable gain, a cascadable input terminal, and no need to impose component matchongs.
To verify the theoretical analysis of the voltage-mode OTA-C universal biquad, the TSMC035 H-Spice using the 1MHz operating frequency. And this paper have 9 different simulations. Those are frequency response, power loss, Monte Carlo, sensitivity, stability, linearity and dynamic range, interactive modualation frequency, and noise and signal to noise ration.
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