


Apply Employee Personality Traits to Explore the Acceptability of the ERP System─A Case Study of H Firm─






ERP系統接受程度 ; A型人格特質 ; 內外控人格特質 ; The Acceptance of ERP System ; Type A Behavior Pattern ; Locus of Control












全球產業及企業經濟環境變化愈趨快速,企業的資源是否能夠有效運用至關重要,導入企業資源規劃系統(ERP:Enterprise Resources Planning)利用現代化的科技資訊系統整合組織內各項人力資源的工具無疑是較佳的選擇方式。但,不同人格特質的員工對公司導入ERP的接受程度亦不盡相同。所以本研究主要目的是探討個案公司內各組織員工的人格特質對個案公司導入ERP系統接受程度的影響。本研究採敘述統計分析、信度分析、獨立樣本T檢定、變異數分析及訪談法進行分析,經對本研究個案公司員工進行問卷測試及訪談之研究結果顯示,(1)A型人格特質者其在「ERP系統接受程度」上是高於B型人格特質者。(2)內控人格特質者其在「ERP系統接受程度」上的認知是高於外控人格特質者。(3)在「ERP系統接受程度」接受程度由高到低,依序為於A型人格內控型、B型人格內控型、A型人格外控型、B型人格外控型。因此對於個案公司導入ERP及組織導入新的知識管理工具應選擇A型人格內控型做為專案的種子成員,並對其他人格類型員工加強宣導及督促,促使全體員工可大幅提升任務達成的效率。


The economic environment which the global industries and enterprises facing is changing faster, to utilize effectively the resources is crucial. Undoubtedly, imports the enterprise resources plan system (ERP: Enterprise Resources Planning), that is, using modern technical information system to integrare overall resource in the organization is one of the best choices. However, the degree of the acceptance of ERP system of the staff with various personality is not exactly the same. Therefore, the major objective of this study is to discuss the influence of the personality traits of the employees to the degree of the acceptance of the ERP system in the case company. Descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, independent-sample T test, analysis of variance and interview are used to analyze the data collected from the survey.The results of the study show that, (1) To the degree of the acceptance of ERP system, the employee of type A personality is higher than type B. (2) Cognition of the acceptance of ERP system, the employee of internal locus of control is higher than external locus of control. (3) To the acceptance of ERP system, from high to low, followed by type A with internal locus of control, type B with internal locus of control, type A with external locus of control, and type B with external locus of control. Thus, the company imports ERP system and new tools of knowledge management can select the members of A-type with internal locus of control to join the project first, which can strengthen propaganda and supervise employees with other personality characteristics, to enhance the efficiency of task achievement of the company.

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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