


A Study of the Relationships among Experiential Marketing, Service Quality, Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty - An Example of Tourism Factories






觀光工廠 ; 體驗行銷 ; 服務品質 ; 體驗價值 ; 顧客滿意度 ; 忠誠度 ; Tourism Factories ; Experiential Marketing ; Service Quality ; Experiential Value ; Customer Satisfaction ; Customer Loyalty












在台灣許多以製造為主的傳統產業逐步沒落凋零,所幸經濟部工業局於2003年開始推動傳統產業轉型觀光工廠計畫,使觀光工廠轉化成促進地方發展的觀光收入,讓各地具有產業特色、文化保存、知識教育性之工廠變身為多元化的觀光趨勢及潮流。本研究著重於遊客參訪觀光工廠時,透過觀光工廠所提供之活動與服務,一邊遊玩、一邊學習,並且從體驗中感受到獨特的價值。其樣本主要為參觀過桃園區觀光工廠的遊客,利用問卷發放及SPSS統計軟體來分析體驗行銷、服務品質、體驗價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度此五個變數間的關聯性。 經由本研究分析得知,體驗行銷對體驗價值有正向影響,當觀光工廠為消費者創造美好的消費體驗時,可讓顧客感受到獨特而愉快的經驗並提升其體驗價值。服務品質對顧客滿意度有正向影響,因為服務是在顧客消費的同時就產生,因此當觀光工廠所提供的服務能因應個別顧客的需求進行調整時,其顧客滿意度也會正向的提高。體驗價值對顧客滿意度有正向影響,當消費者通過消費來學習與獲得不同的價值及經驗,並超越原先所期待時,其顧客滿意度也會隨之提高。顧客滿意度對忠誠度有正向影響,當消費者接觸到產品與服務是多元與豐富時,觀光工廠越能滿足消費者的需求與期待,則消費者的滿意度提高時,其忠誠度也會跟著提高。 因此,本研究假說經驗證後皆具有顯著的正向影響,由此可知當觀光工廠透過良好的體驗行銷,並創造出獨特的體驗價值時,可有助於提高消費者的滿意度與忠誠度,並能提升其營收與績效創造雙贏的成果。


Traditional industry is on the decline today in Taiwan and thanks to Industrial Development Bureau, it decided to implement the plan of “Manufactory Industry Transforming into Tourism Factory” in 2003. It will not only help local development, increasing tourism receipts but also strengthening local cultural, preserving Culture, making the trend of tourism factory visiting which is able to spreading knowledge.The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of experiences that customer gained from the learning and having fun during the activities and service provided by tourism factory. This research was based on questionnaire from visitors who visited tourism factory in Taoyuan and have been engaged on an emotional, physical, intellectual, or even spiritual level. And using SPSS analytics software to analyze the correlation among Experiential Marketing, Service Quality, Experience Value, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. The results showed that there is a positive and significant impact on Experiential Marketing and Experiential Value. Customers will feel the unique joyful experience and increase their Experiential Value when Tourism Factory created the special Consumer Experience for them. Service Quality has positive effect on Customer Satisfaction due to flexible service provided by Tourism Factory to each different type of customer. When there is suitable service-adjustment, Customer Satisfaction level will increase as well. Experiential Value and Customer Satisfaction are significant effect. When customer got the service more than their expectation during learning and gain different value & experience, Customer Satisfaction will increase. Customer Satisfaction has positive effect on and Customer Loyalty. More diversification products and service, more customer demand and expectation could be fulfilled, and it increases the Customer Loyalty. With the research hypothesis of this study, the results indicated that interaction between enterprise and consumer is positively significant influence to the good experience. Therefore, with experiential marketing activity and special experiential value creation, it helps enterprise not only enhance its Customer Satisfaction / Customer Loyalty but also increase company’s revenue, to make the win-win situation. Experiences have always been at the heart of the tourism factory business.

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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