


Using green advertising appeals to promote purchase intention of green products- The green lifestyle as segmenting variable






綠色廣告訴求 ; 廣告態度 ; 品牌信任 ; 綠色產品購買意願 ; 綠色生活型態 ; Green Advertising Appeals ; Adertising Attitude ; Brand Trust ; Green Product’s Purchase Intention ; Green Lifestyle












近年來,全球吹起一陣綠色浪潮,使得許多企業紛紛推動各種綠色產品,隨著綠色意識的來臨,消費者逐漸重視綠色產品,企業不僅要了解目前綠色消費趨勢,也要針對綠色消費趨勢調整廣告策略,才是企業未來在綠色產業勝出的關鍵。 因此,本研究針對綠色廣告訴求作為相關探討,透過理性與感性兩種綠色廣告訴求,來了解何種綠色廣告訴求對消費者較具有影響力,及探討綠色廣告訴求的廣告態度及品牌信任在綠色產品購買意願間是否有影響。並進一步了解不同的綠色生活型態族群在廣告態度及綠色產品購買意願上是否有差異影響。 本研究採問卷設計,共回收377份有效問卷,使用SPSS軟體進行統計分析。研究結果顯示,消費者對綠色產品的購買意願會受到綠色廣告訴求之影響,產生正向之廣告態度及品牌信任;在廣告態度及品牌信任上,也具有中介效果影響;且在不同綠色生活型態族群上,對廣告態度及綠色產品購買意願有差異影響。本研究結果可供未來綠色產業之企業作後續廣告行銷策略之依據。


In recent years, the increasing global popularity of “green” promotes many enterprises to launch a variety of green products. With the arrival of green awareness, consumers gradually pay more attention to green products, thus, enterprises should understand the current green consumption trends and adjust their advertising strategy in accordance with the trends, which is key to enterprises ability to prosper in the green industry of the future. Therefore, this study engages in relevant discussions of green advertising, in order to understand what kind of green advertising is more influential to consumers through rational and emotional green advertising appeals, explores whether green advertising appeals’ advertising attitude and brand trust have impact on consumers’ green product’s purchase intention, and further understands whether different green lifestyle groups have different impacts on advertising attitude and green product’s purchase intention. In this study, a total of 377 valid questionnaires are collected and analyzed using SPSS software. The results show that consumers’ green product’s purchase intention is influenced by green advertising appeals, resulting in positive advertising attitude and brand trust; regarding advertising attitude and brand trust, there is also the impact of the intermediary effect; regarding different green lifestyle groups, there are different impacts on advertising attitude and green product’s purchase intention. The results of this study can be used for future green industry enterprises as a basis for follow-up advertising marketing strategy.

主题分类 商學院 > 國際經營與貿易學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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