


Technostress of Using Mobile Instant Messaging in Workplace






行動即時通訊 ; 聯繫性 ; 干擾性 ; 科技壓力 ; 角色壓力 ; 生產力 ; mobile instant messaging ; presenteeism ; interruption ; techno-stress ; role stress ; productivity














Nowadays, people are using mobile instant messaging (MIM) in workplace as a communication tool between workers, which promotes the efficiency of communication. However, it will lower the efficiency of communication and emerge techno-stress, which will decrease the productivity when MIM is overused. In that case, this study is aimed to discuss the characteristics of MIM in order to discover the reasons that form techno-stress and maintain the productivity at the same time. First, this study uses interview to dig out and classified the characteristics of MIM. Second, search out the influence of using MIM in workplace by questionnaire so that understanding the obsessions of workers which help us realize the obstacles of using MIM in workplace and establish the rules in workplace. Third, locate the method to prevent or improve the weak point of using MIM in workplace.

主题分类 商學院 > 資訊管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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