The key to make the good product quality is mold design that melt can fill into the mold uniform by the correct runner design and the molding parameters have mold temp., melt temp., injection time, packing time, packing pressure, etc. The subject is study on the relation between molding parameters and shrinkage by using PVT diagram.
The strip model t=2 L/t=100 was utilized to the CAE simulation and injection molding experiments. The plastic material was ABS (PA-756). The simulation result shows, the runner design needed to make the velocity of melt front consistent, small pressure drop good for the injection pressure transferring. The largest effect of the shrinkage was the packing pressure, the second was the mold temp. by Taguchi methods.
In the experiment, set up the pressure and temperature sensors in the cavity. Used rationalize forming module to be the standard of the molding parameter that made sure the correctness by the experiment. In the study, the best filling time was 0.7 sec. The real packing time to make the gate frozen was 5.42 sec, not the 2.42 sec by rationalize forming module. Utilize the temperature and pressure data to plot the PVT diagram shows the lower mold temp. and the higer packing pressure can make the shrinkage smaller. However, the higher packing pressure will induce the uneven product thickness. In this case, the best mold temp. was 40°C and the best packing pressure was 140% of the injection pressure.
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