


Optimal Consumer Electronics Product Purchase and Take-back Time with Consideration of Consumer Value






消費者價值 ; 生態化效益 ; 最適購買時間 ; 最適回收時間 ; TOPSIS ; Consumer value ; Eco-efficiency ; Optimal purchase time ; Optimal tack-back time ; TOPSIS












近年消費型電子產品因技術更新與市場需求快速變化,產品生命週期不斷縮短,多樣化的新產品不斷推陳出新,使得消費者不知何時為最佳購買的時間,擔心所購買的產品容易被淘汰或取代,然而購買產品使用之後,又將面臨何時將產品回收丟棄等問題,需有一套方法來協助消費者在產品購買與產品回收丟棄做為決策參考。而在環保議題趨勢下,許多製造廠商開始推出生態化設計的節能產品,過去產品購買的研究中多以產品功能規格與成本來評估產品價值,對於節能產品能帶給消費者多少效益鮮少有研究提出討論,然而在產品回收的研究,大多以產品製造商與回收商的角度探討生命終期產品的回收策略,鮮少以消費者立場來進行回收之評估,有鑑於此,本研究提出一套消費者價值與生態化效益的評估方法,以加入時間變動因子發展出三種評估模型,分別探討產品最適購買時間、產品最適回收時間與考量回收下產品最適購買時間。 在最適購買時間研究,本研究考量不同消費者族群與不同產品類型之情境,透過建構的消費者價值時間函數與生態化效益時間函數模型,求得產品最適購買時間與探討消費者價值與生態效益之變化,並使用TOPSIS偏好順序評估方法,找出產品建議購買之順序;在最適回收時間研究,本研究考量不同使用頻率消費者族群與不同回收獎勵金策略,透過消費者價值時間函數模型,求得產品最適回收時間與探討消費者價值之變化;在考量回收下最適購買時間研究,本研究綜合考量購買與回收兩者模式,以產品生命週期的觀點求得考量使用與回收下產品最適購買時間,並與未考量使用與回收之最適購買模型分析比較差異。最後透過實例數據分析提出產品最適決策與管理觀點,以提供製造商與消費者之參考。


Because of recent technical advancement and rapidly changing market demand, lifecycles of consumer electronics products have continuously shortened, and numerous diverse products have been developed to replace the old. The availability of many types of products and variations in product information causes consumers to worry about whether the chosen product will be easily replaced or rendered obsolete by new products. This makes it difficult to know the most appropriate time to make a purchase is. On the other hand, after purchasing a product consumers are facing the problem of when to take back the product for recycling. Environmental sustainability awareness has caused many manufacturers to release green products that have more environmentally friendly design concepts. As for how beneficial these environmentally friendly products actually are to the consumer, there has been very little discussion. In view of that, this study proposes a set of methods for consumer value and eco-efficiency evaluation from the perspective of consumers. Three models are also developed with the inclusion of the time factor to determine: the product purchase time, the product take back time and the product purchase time with take back consideration respectively. In the first model, we consider different groups of consumers and different types of products to explore the changes in consumer values and eco-efficiency to determine the optimal purchase time. Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is used to find the suggested order of purchases at different times. In the second model, we consider different usage modes for various consumer groups and different recycling award schemes (fixed and variable recycling awards) to explore the changes in consumer value in determining the optimal product take back time. Finally, the last model considers different types of products to determine the optimal purchase time taking into consideration the take back time. By incorporating the take back time, more complete and accurate information is acquired in optimizing the product purchase time in this model than in the first model. Numerical examples are included to show the capability of the proposed models in determining the optimum period of product purchasing and take back time in order to give a useful managerial insight for manufacturer, as well as to provide a reference for consumers when making decisions.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 工業與系統工程學系
工程學 > 工程學總論
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