


The Effects of Integrating Board Games into Inquiry-based Instruction on Third Graders' Science Learning






探究教學 ; 桌上遊戲 ; 學習興趣 ; 學習自信 ; inquiry teaching ; board games ; learning interest ; learning confidence












本研究旨在探討桌上遊戲融入探究教學,對國小三年級學生在自然科學「認識動物」單元的學習成效之影響。本研究將採準實驗研究法,研究對象為桃園市某國小三年級兩個班學生共44人,將兩班分為實驗組與對照組,由研究者分別對兩組實施兩種不同的探究教學方法,實驗組將採桌上遊戲融入探究教學,藉由桌上遊戲複習單元內容知識概念,鞏固並加深學生對學科內容的印象;對照組則將採用一般探究教學,以教師講述複習單元內容知識概念。 所使用的工具有「自編自然學習成就測驗」、「學習動機量表」、「自製桌上遊戲」。於實驗教學前,兩組先進行自然學習成就測驗與學習動機量表前測;實驗教學後,進行自然學習成就測驗與學習動機量表後測,在資料蒐集後進行分析,並針對學習成效做進一步探討。 研究結果顯示: 一、經過桌上遊戲融入探究教學後,對全體受試學生的「基礎」與「進階」概念學習、高成就的「進階」概念學習、低成就的「基礎」與「進階」概念學習之後測顯著高於前測。 二、經過一般探究教學後,對全體受試學生的「進階」概念學習、高成就的「進階」概念學習、低成就的「基礎」與「進階」概念學習之後測顯著高於前測。 三、接受桌上遊戲融入探究教學與一般探究教學兩種不同的探究教學之後,對全體受試學生的「基礎」概念學習、高成就的「基礎」概念學習之學習成效達顯著差異。 四、經過桌上遊戲融入探究教學與一般探究教學兩種不同的探究教學之後,對全體受試學生、低成就學生在自然科學的學習興趣之後測顯著高於前測。 五、經過桌上遊戲融入探究教學與一般探究教學兩種不同的探究教學之後,對全體受試學生、高成就學生在自然科學的學習自信之後測顯著高於前測。 六、接受桌上遊戲融入探究教學與一般探究教學兩種不同的探究教學之後,對全體受試學生、高成就與低成就學生在自然科學的學習興趣與學習自信皆未達顯著差異。 建議未來有意從事桌上遊戲融入科學探究教學之教師,可以推展至不同單元或不同領域使用,擴大研究對象與研究期間,以探討桌上遊戲融入探究教學最有效的使用模式。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of incorporating board games into inquiry-based teaching on the learning achievement of third-grade elementary school students in the Natural Science Unit of "Understanding Animals". This research will adopt the quasi-experimental research method. The research object is a total of 44 students from two classes of grade three in a elementary school in Taoyuan City. The two classes are divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group will incorporate board games into inquiry teaching, and use board games to review the content knowledge concepts of the unit to consolidate and deepen students' impression of the subject content; the control group will use general inquiry teaching, and teachers will tell and review knowledge concepts. The tools used are "self-made natural learning achievement test", "learning motivation scale", "self-made board game". Before the experimental teaching, the two groups took the Natural Learning Achievement Test and the Learning Motivation Scale Pre-test; after the experimental teaching, the Natural Learning Achievement Test and the Learning Motivation Scale Post-test were conducted. The research results show that: 1. After integrating board games into inquiry teaching, all the students in the test can learn the concepts of "basic" and "advanced", high-achieving "advanced" concepts, and low-achieving "basic" and "advanced" concepts. The post-test is significantly higher than the pre-test for the advanced" concept learning. 2. After the general inquiry teaching, the post-test of all the students in the "advanced" concept learning, the high-achieving "advanced" concept learning, and the low-achieving "basic" and "advanced" concept learning were significantly higher than those before. 3. After accepting two different types of inquiry teaching, that is, the integration of board games into inquiry teaching and the general inquiry teaching, the learning effect of the "basic" concept learning and the high-achieving "basic" concept learning of all the tested students were significantly different. 4. After the board game is integrated into inquiry teaching and general inquiry teaching, the post-test is significantly higher than the pre-test for all the tested students and low-achieving students' interest in learning natural sciences. 5. After the board games are integrated into inquiry teaching and general inquiry teaching, the post-test is significantly higher than the pre-test for all the tested students and high-achieving students' self-confidence in natural science learning. 6. After accepting two different inquiry teachings, i.e., the integration of board games into inquiry teaching and general inquiry teaching, there was no significant difference in the learning interest and learning confidence of all students, high-achieving and low-achieving students in natural sciences. It is suggested that teachers who intend to integrate board games into scientific inquiry teaching in the future can extend the use of board games to different units or different fields, expand the research object and research period, and explore the most effective mode of using board games into inquiry teaching.

主题分类 人文與教育學院 > 教育研究所
社會科學 > 教育學
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