
國民小學兼任行政教師其工作壓力、休閒活動參與與幸福感關係之研究 -以桃園市為例


A Study of the Relationship among Work Stress, Leisure Participation and Well-Being of Administrative Teachers in Elementary School: Take Taoyuan City as an Example.






教師工作壓力 ; 教師休閒活動 ; 教師幸福感 ; teachers’ job stress ; teachers’ leisure participation ; teachers’ well-being












本研究旨在探討桃園市國民小學兼任行政教師工作壓力、休閒活動參與與幸福感之關係,試圖了解桃園市國民小學兼任行政教師工作壓力、休閒活動參與與幸福感之現況,分析不同背景變項填答者對此三個變項之差異及相關情形、並探究三個因果路徑關係及休閒活動參與的調節效果。本研究採問卷調查法,以桃園市186所公立國民小學兼任行政教師為研究母群,抽取383位教師為研究樣本,以「國民小學兼任行政教師工作壓力、休閒活動參與與幸福感問卷」為研究工具實施調查。資料處理方式以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關及結構方程式等統計方法進行資料分析。本研究結果如下: 一、桃園市國民小學兼任行政職務教師工作壓力現況達「中低」程度;休閒活動參與現況屬「低」程度;幸福感現況達「高」程度。 二、不同任教年資與行政職務填答者對兼任行政職務教師工作壓力知覺有所差異。 三、不同行政職務填答者對兼任行政職務教師幸福感知覺有所差異。 四、兼任行政職務教師工作壓力與兼任行政職務教師休閒活動參與呈現顯著很低度負相關;兼任行政職務教師休閒活動參與與兼任行政職務教師幸福感呈現顯著低度正相關;兼任行政職務教師工作壓力與兼任行政職務教師幸福感呈現顯著低度負相關。 五、國小兼任行政教師休閒活動參與為工作壓力與幸福感的調節變項。


This study was aimed to investigate the current situation, different background variables effect, correlations, and intermediary effect among teachers’ job stress, leisure participation, and well-being of public elementary schools in Taoyuan County. The method adopted in this study was survey research. Adopting stratified random sampling, data were collected from 383 samples that included teachers in 186 schools. All data collected were analyzed by the statistical methods of descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and SEM analysis. The conclusions are as follows: 1.The job stress, leisure participation, and well-being of elementary school teachers with administrative duties are good in Taoyuan County. 2.Teachers with different background variables have significantly different perception in job stress, leisure participation, and well-being. 3.There is a significantly low-negative correlation between teachers’ job stree and teachers’ leisure participation. And there is a significantly low-positive correlation between teachers’ leisure participation and teachers’ well-being. However, there is a low-negative correlation between teachers’ job stress and teachers’ well-being. 4.Teachers’ leisure participation is a moderate variable between job stress and well-being.

主题分类 人文與教育學院 > 教育研究所
社會科學 > 教育學
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