


Positive Interpersonal Feedback Applied to the Experience of Parent-Teacher Communication






正向人際回饋 ; 親師溝通 ; 親職諮詢 ; positive interpersonal feedback ; teacher–parent communication ; parent counseling












本研究旨在深入探究教師使用正向人際回饋對於親師溝通的經驗,以及應用正向人際回饋於親師溝通中,對於親師之間的合作有何影響。本研究係杜淑芬博士所主持之教育部教學實踐計畫《親師溝通與諮詢技巧數位實作教學平台建構與試行方案》(1103802)的延伸子研究。本研究採取質性研究的取向,並以紮根理論的資料分析方式進行分析,參與教師為六位女性教師,分別為2位國小專任輔導教師、1位國中專任輔導教師、1位國小資優巡迴教師、1位國小中年級導師、1位幼兒園教師,年齡介於26-52歲之間。這項研究以半結構式個別深度訪談的方式,每位教師進行1次的訪談,訪談時間約為60~90分鐘。資料分析以紮根理論為基礎,採用開放譯碼、主軸譯碼、選擇性譯碼原則進行,並以三角驗證法檢核本研究之信實度。本研究的主要結論如下: 一、正向人際回饋具有多樣化的親師溝通技巧與功能。本研究發現六項親師溝通的正向人際回饋技巧:分別是「將改變歸因於父母」、「正向優勢打破負向抱怨」、「促動親子相互回饋」、「從原話中找尋優勢」、「情緒中注入希望感」、「回歸家長主體性」等。 二、親師溝通的正向人際回饋透過讚賞與肯定,連結教師、家長與孩子間的關係。教師之回饋建立家長在教養上更具信心與希望感,帶動親子關係正向改變,孩子展現新的行為,教師回饋給家長或孩子新的正向行為,促成正向循環。 三、教師透過接納而具體的正向回饋,貼近家長與孩子的行為、體察家長的難處,讓家長在談話過程中感到被尊重、肯定與接納,營造出一段安全、信任以及支持性的親師關係。   最後,研究者依據上述研究之結果,提出討論與建議,希冀提供現場教師於親師溝通中,以及未來相關研究的參考 關鍵詞:正向人際回饋、親職諮詢、親師溝通


This study examined the use of positive interpersonal feedbacks by teachers during their communication with parents and analyzed the effect of such feedbacks on teacher–parent relationships. The study was the extended project of the Ministry of Education teaching implementation project “The establishment and trail of Online simulated deliberate practice system to improve teacher-parent communication and consultation skills” (1103802) directed by Prof. Su-Fen Tu. A qualitative research design based on grounded theory was adopted to incorporate six female teachers as the participants, namely two full-time elementary school counselors, one full-time middle school counselor, one elementary school itinerant teacher for gifted education, one third and fourth grade homeroom teacher, and one preschool teacher. The participants’ ages ranged between 26 and 52 years. Each teacher received one semistructured in-depth interview, and each interview spanned 60–90 minutes after the implementation of the project. The analysis method suggested by grounded theory was employed to analyze the collected data through open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. Triangulation was used to verify the credibility and validity of the study results. Accordingly, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. Six modes of positive interpersonal feedbacks in teacher–parent communication were identified. These techniques involved the attribution of changes to parents; use of positive strengths to offset negative complaints; promotion of reciprocal feedback between students and parents; identification of strengths through dialogues; elicitation of a hopeful feeling; and emphasis on parent subjectivity. 2. In teacher–parent communication, positive interpersonal feedbacks bridged the relationships between teachers, parents, and students. Teachers’ feedback elicited confidence and hopefulness in parents during child-rearing process and promotes positive changes in parent–child relationships. Teachers provided feedbacks to students and their parents when the students demonstrated new achievements, thus creating a positive relationships cycle. 3. Teachers provided positive feedback acceptable to students and parents. This enabled teachers to further understand the behaviors of students and parents and empathized with the difficulties experienced by parents. Accordingly, parents felt respected, approved, and accepted when communicating with teachers. This created a safe, trusty, and supportive teacher–parent relationship. According to the study results, we provided advices on teacher–parent communication to the participating teachers as well as references for subsequent research. Keywords: positive interpersonal feedback, parent counseling, teacher–parent communication

主题分类 人文與教育學院 > 教育研究所
社會科學 > 教育學
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