“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough”, said Albert Einstein. As the semiconductor packaging technology advances, a series of challenges arise. When customer requirements no longer just focus on the high quality of products (requirements on heat dissipation, electromagnetic interference, weight, environmental waste recycle, etc become increasingly higher) or the light, thin, short and compact design only, a low production cost is one of the basic elements for the semiconductor packaging industry. Since the market competition is severe, manufacturers have no other choice except accepting the fact of a low profit and using a smaller margin in exchange for a larger sale volume. Taking both high quality and profit into account simultaneously becomes very difficult, if not unrealistic. Obviously , the semiconductor packaging industry will be a brutal survival game in the future.
During manufacture and production, different abnormal situations of products occur frequently, and such abnormal situations produce a large quantity of defectives. To overcome the issue of the defects and improve the yield rate, manufacturers will not rely on the past method of spending more cost to buy better machines or using more resources to upgrade technical skills anymore, because such method constantly increases the production cost and lowers the competitiveness of the whole company. Especially for the mature semiconductor packaging industry, high production cost and low competitiveness are just heavy burdens.
This study focuses on the aforementioned subject and applies the 6 sigma method of quality management accompanied with the concept of systematic innovation (TRIZ) and uses the DMAIC model as the architecture to conduct case studies on product abnormalities occurred during the manufacturing process of different case companies. Customer requirement and production cost are taken into consideration, and the 6 sigma improvement tool and statistical quality control measures combined with the systematic innovation (TRIZ) method are used in different stages, and diversified solutions for problems are provided in hope of obtaining the best improvement solution and process by using the minimal cost.
Through the exploration of case studies and practical verifications, the abnormality occurred in product is lowered and the yield rate is improved, and the abnormality of production is improved from the original 3.84% to 0.02%, which in compliance with the semiconductor customer requirements and provides different solutions. The same improvement result can be obtained by selection one of the solutions without spending a high cost. The effects of the 6-sigma quality method and the TRIZ are verified, and this case study may be used as a reference or a solution for related industry.
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