In recent years, preserving and managing cultural heritage has become a global trend and common topic. There are many constitutions and regulations regarding the preservation and maintenance of cultural heritage, including historical monuments, places and cultural landscape, that state clear of the related concepts and norms. The Venice Charter (1964) has always been recognized as an important treaty regarding the preservation of cultural heritage. In the introduction section of the Venice Charter, it clearly states and elaborates the concept of authenticity. Various facets of the concept and its related regulations are later discussed in many other constitutions and declarations, all based on the Venice Charter. This shows authenticity in cultural heritage has been recognized as an important index worldwide. Both cultural landscape and cultural route have been imbibed into the operational guidelines for the implementation of the world heritage in 1992. Moreover, the integrity of cultural heritage also serves as a main guideline for conserving cultural heritage. This can be seen from expanding scope of cultural heritage being discussed from past to present. In the past, only tangible assets were considered as cultural heritage, nowadays, both tangible and intangible assets are considered. Until today, most countries in the world are still abiding by the rules and concepts of authenticity and integrity, as mentioned in many international constitutions and regulations.
The development of Zhubei Six-Clan village has changed completely after being designated as a Hsinchu High Speed Rail (HSR) Special District. With a collaborated urban plan by the Hakka Committee, National Chiao Tung University’s Department of Hakka Culture and Cultural Affairs Bureau of Hsinchu City, a portion of the historical monuments and buildings in areas of the Hsinwawu settlement, the Liuzhangli settlement and the surrounding irrigation system were conserved, they even established a Hsinwawu Hakka Culture Conservation Area. However, due to limited funds and space, they are faced with issues of operating, managing and maintaining the value and assets of their culture. This paper aims to discuss and analyze the operating mode of the Six-Clan village within the Conservation Area, focusing on the transition and value of the village. The aforementioned concept of authenticity would be used to discuss the advantages and features of the Six-Clan village. The concept of integrity would be used here to discuss future guidelines for operating and managing the Six-Clan village.
Topics of discussion in this paper are as the following:
1.Surveying the characteristics and core value of the Six-Clan village via the concept of cultural landscape.
2.Compiling the change and status quo of the operating mode of the Hsinwawu Hakka Culture Conservation Area and the Hakka Cultural Park buildings.
3.Making operation guidelines for the Six-Clan village based on the key concepts in cultural heritage conservations.