


Research on Supplier Selection Criteria -A Case Study on IC Assembly Industry






採購管理 ; 供應商選擇 ; 供應鏈管理 ; 德菲法 ; Purchasing management ; Supplier selection ; Supply chain management ; Delphi method












面對與日俱增的競爭市場以及快速成長環境,企業必須面對產能分配、產品品質、物流以及成本提高等問題。因此,企業需要專注於找到好的合作夥伴(供應商)來提升競爭力,尤其對半導體產業更是如此。 隨著中國半導體產業的成長對於台灣半導體產業影響相當劇烈;品質以及固定成本的刪減成了問題。在現代環境中,整合供應鏈夥伴為關鍵競爭優勢。優良的供應商會在品質、價格以及物流等問題上做改善;因此在整合的流程作業中,選擇正確的供應商是非常重要的因素。建立有效的供應商選定標準是企業成功的關鍵。 此論文之研究是以分析IC封裝產業為基礎。研究主題包含:1. 建立供應選定準則 2.於小組成員內調查供應商選定標準的有效性 3.使用德菲法設計問卷。經過第一階段專家問卷篩選,與二次改進之問卷以過濾出專家門都認同的供應商評選準則後,並且開始導入改善後供應商評選之準則。本研究所建議的遴選模式可幫助企業做為選用供應商的流程,並幫忙提升企業營運之效益。


In the increasingly competitive market and growing environmental issues, enterprises are facing capacity allocation, product quality, logistic and increasing cost problems. Therefore, companies should focus on cooperating with the right supplier to increase their competitiveness; this is especially true for a semiconductor market. The growing China semiconductor industries have affected Taiwan semiconductor industries; quality and constant cost cutting have become an issue. The integration of the supply chain partners is the key to competitive advantage for today’s business. Good supplier will improve quality, cost and logistic problems Therefore, choosing the right suppliers is very important in the integration process. Developing the effective supplier selection criteria is very critical to the success of an enterprise. The methodology of this study is a case based approach, where we analyze the performance of IC packaging industry. The objectives of this study are: (i) to develop supplier selection criteria; (ii) to investigate the effectiveness of the supplier selection criteria with the advices from the panel members; (iii) applying Delphi method in designing questionnaire survey. After the first screening guidelines expert questionnaire, a second one improves the supplier selection criteria experts agree, and began to import improvement on the supplier selection criteria. The results show that the proposed model is capable of helping the company in the supplier selection process; thus enhancing the efficiency of business operations.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 工業與系統工程學系
工程學 > 工程學總論
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