


Inhabitant’s personal quality and self-representation of interior space A case study of the residence design






設計心理學 ; 場所經驗 ; 空間設計 ; 幸福感 ; design psychology ; place experience ; space design ; happiness














The ultimate goal is to enhance the design of human happiness index, to create happiness in the design, careful consideration must be all kinds of important factors ─ inherent, cultural, special needs people, once to meet these needs, the individual will be able to create a good living environment. Human-centered, different levels of demand means that the designer must be familiar with the cultural differences in features, keen to capture the unique needs of the individual, the design is a huge challenge, because these often conflicting demands. Methods of measurement is no longer a physical dimension, but need to have a comprehensive understanding of the intangible method of human needs. And this method is often very vague and fuzzy appear in person in the psychological feelings. In addition to the indoor space physiological, safety, social and respect to meet the demand, the occupants of the most difficult to grasp the psychological, emotional needs through investigation, communication, inquiry, reminding it. Design psychology raises important point: the occupants personal traits past life, workplace experience and its great relevance. It discusses the current interior design architecture mostly dwell in interior design elements and visual effects of the operation, however, the literature points out the interior design process, the psychological impact of the occupants also occupies an important ingredient. Currently interior design elements and psychological literature discusses each, pending integration, the lack of these two studies discussed consolidation. Currently psychological literature occupants, more emphasis on the status of the occupants Homes emotional memories back, links and explore places and experience the status of your home, for the future, design and planning is not yet part of the forthcoming research has been to explore. This study would like to explore places occupants experience, analysis of workplace experience and residential interior design connected, as well as the theoretical framework proposed personal traits and residential interior design. Design psychology to explain the phenomenological analysis (IPA) for the analysis tools to analyze the case of occupants depth interviews and actual design should permit completion of the outcome of each other, the theoretical framework proposed personal traits and residential interior design. Design psychology to other concepts (memories, ideals, comfort, happiness), there is still need to interview the subject field of psychology and research framework for the pro tools, so that research can face broader and complete, should be better able to provide accurate designers to follow when the occupants with expectations, as a reference direction for further research.

主题分类 設計學院 > 室內設計學系
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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