
伺服器製造業之機殼海運成本關鍵因素分析 –以國內I公司為例


Key Factors Analysis of Chassis Set Costs of Sea Transportation in the Server Manufacturing Industry- A Case of I Company






伺服器製造業、運輸費用、德爾菲法、決策實驗室分析法、網路分析程序法、多準則決策、服務水準、管理彈性 ; Server Manufacturing Industry ; Costs of Sea Transportation ; Delphi Method ; DEMATEL ; ANP ; Multi-Criteria Decision Making ; Service Standard ; Flexibility of Management












摘要 運輸費用是企業物流成本的重要組成部分。控管企業物流成本很大的程度取決於運輸費用的控制。在這競爭的環境、產品流通快速、需求多變化、價格競爭激烈、產品週期日漸縮短的年代,伺服器製造業要如何在競爭激烈的環境中求勝生存?除了需要專注於本身核心技術不斷提升外,仍需做到低營運成本、反應快速的物流機制及良好的客戶服務。為達到低營運成本『物流成本』甚為關鍵要素,機殼在伺服器材料中所佔的運輸費用最高,唯有掌控費用支出才可以降低營運成本,使企業保有營運競爭力。 本研究之主要目的是為分析個案I公司在機殼海運成本之關鍵因素為何?伺服器製造業面對市場競爭又該如何因應與管理?透過德爾菲法訪談業界專家,並建構出適用於伺服器製造業之研究架構,之後運用決策實驗室法與網路分析程序法,針對從事相關作業人員之問卷填答結果進行分析。 本研究結果發現,對於I公司來說,伺服器製造業之機殼海運成本關鍵因素共有7項,包含「貨物運費淨額」、「商譽形象」、「財務績效表現」、「管理彈性」、「服務水準」、「貨損與理賠服務」與「全球複合式運輸網路」。而就績效表現程度,「商譽形象」、「財務績效表現」、「管理彈性」與「全球複合式運輸網路」等4項關鍵因素是I公司現階段極需改善的指標。又決策實驗室分析法所產生的因果圖,顯示I公司可由「服務水準」或「管理彈性」,來有效率的提升極需改善指標之績效。 研究結果與個案公司過去的認知,認為伺服器製造業之機殼海運成本關鍵因素的最大因素應為「貨物運費淨額」有極大的認知差異,經本研究結果得知影響「伺服器製造業之機殼海運成本關鍵因素」最重要因素為「管理彈性」、「服務水準」、「財務績效表現」提供了關鍵因素以及改善績效之道,對I公司而言在實務上有其重要貢獻。


Abstract Transport costs are an important component of logistics cost. Control logistics costs depend to a large degree of control of transportation costs. In this competitive environment, product flow fast and demand change, where price competition is fierce, and increasingly shortened product cycle times, server industry how to win to survive in a competitive environment? In addition to the need to concentrate on its core technology continues to improve, but still needs low operating costs and logistics mechanisms for fast response and good customer service. As we try to lower the cost of business management and keep competitive, logistic cost would be the key part of it. And under logistic cost, chassis’ shipping fee cost the most, that is, once we control the transport fee of chassis, we can control logistic cost in our business. The main objective of this research is to analyze what’s the key factors of cost when I company ship chassis by sea and to understand how to response and manage in server manufacturing industry when facing market competition. This study through the Delphi method interviews with industry experts, and applied study on manufacturing of server architectures. And we use DANP method to analyze the data collection from questionnaires. The key factors of chassis set costs of sea transportation in server manufacturing industry are net price for transportation, image value of the corporate, financial performance, flexibility of management, service standard, cargo damage and claims services, and intermodal transportation network. According to the performance results, the four factors are need to improve at this stage, they are image value of the corporate, financial performance, flexibility of management, and intermodal transportation network. Analysis data by DEMATEL, I company can cut from service standard or flexibility of management to get their effective performance. This result of research makes an important contribution to I company by figuring out different scopes under logistic management and find out the most main causes effect chassis’ shipping fee are flexibility of management, service standard and financial performance in different ways.

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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