Lamination process is the most important process in the manufacture of circuit boards, the main purpose is to use the Pre-pregnant bonding the copper foil and the inner layer of the circuit board. In the lamination process, cushion pad has insulation, pressure, and moisture effects. Moreover, there is a great influence of cushion pad for the finishing product of the dielectric layer.
The aim of this study is improving the design of the cushion to enhance the board dielectric layer thickness uniformity. This research is using the commercial computer aided package COMSOL was used to design a new cushioning pad and simulate the lamination process. The new designed cushion was then tested in the production line to compare the performance with the old one. Experimental results show that the thickness uniformity of the dielectric layer was enhanced 1.8 μm than the old type cushion.The study has reached the goal which is making the process better, and upgrading the quality of the product.
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