


Health quality survey of high-tech workers in Taiwan






高科技 ; 輪班 ; 疲勞 ; 過勞 ; 壓力 ; 健康 ; 睡眠 ; high-tech industry ; shift work ; fatigue ; burnout ; stress ; health ; sleep quality












本研究為瞭解勞工於高科技場域作業時的健康相關狀態,探討人口特徵變項與健康之間的關係、推估勞工於輪班環境中可能引發的疲倦、過勞、工作壓力或睡眠品質的狀況、分析疲勞、過勞、工作壓力、睡眠品質及健康等級彼此之間關聯性。 高科技產業輪班的特性及頻率可能造成潛在的影響,本研究利用文獻蒐集合適的健康量表,以25歲至60歲作業之北部某高科技廠勞工為施測對象,根據性別、年齡進行匹配抽樣,以一對一發放問卷方式收集個人基本資料,使用五個量表分析勞工自評疲勞程度、過勞程度、壓力程度、健康狀態、睡眠品質。研究方法使用個人疲勞量表(Checklist Individual Strength, CIS)、勞動部安全衛生研究所過勞量表及壓力量表、一般性生活品質量表(36-Item Short Form Survey, SF-36)、匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI),共收集200份有效資料,統計方法使用描述性統計、廣義線性模型、皮爾森積差相關性分析、配對T檢定、決策樹分析進行資料分析。 結果顯示本次調查的高科技廠中,勞工整體的疲勞與工作壓力表現都正常,過勞程度輕微,但睡眠品質差(PSQI=7.2分),一般健康狀況(57.8分)、活力(53.8分)、心理健康(61分)表現都較差。過勞程度、疲勞程度、健康狀況、睡眠品質受職場壓力影響最大,而職場壓力主要受到健康狀況影響。在輪班與非輪班工作者比較中,職場壓力、健康狀況、睡眠品質、過勞程度、疲勞程度輪班工作者整體表現比非輪班工作者差,異常比率也較高,建議可以藉由簡化問卷來提升問卷的精準度,添加更多各行各業的受試者進行問卷受測,並且增加血液參數與問卷分數相關性討論,使健康調查結果預測更精準。


In order to understand the health status of workers in high-tech industries, this study explores the relationship between demographic variables and health status, estimates the possibilities of fatigue, burnout, stress or sleep quality of workers working in shift, and analyzes the relationship between fatigue, burnout, stress at work, quality of sleep and level of health. The characteristics and frequency of shifts in high-tech industries may have a potential impact on health. This study, based on literature review, collected suitable health scales and applied to workers aged between of 25 to 60 years (74 male and 126 female) from a high-tech factory in Northern Taiwan. Questionnaire was distributed to each worker that matched for workers’ sex and age. Five scales were used to differentiate fatigue, excessive degree of fatigue, stress level, health status and sleep quality. This study used Checklist Individual Strength (CIS), the Burnout and Stress Scale by Institute of Labor Occupational Safety and Health, 36-Item Short Form Survey (SF-36), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), in which a total of 200 reports were collected. Descriptive statistics, generalized linear models, Pearson correlation analysis, paired T test and decision tree analysis were used to analyze the data. The results shows that the overall fatigue and stress levels of the workers were normal and the excessive degree of fatigue was mild but with poor sleep quality (PSQI = 7.2), and general health (57.8), vitality (53.8), mental health (61 points) scored poorly among the participants. Excessive degree of fatigue, fatigue level, health status and sleep quality mostly affected by workplace stress that is mainly affected by health status. Compared with non-shift workers, job stress, health status, sleep quality, excessive degree of fatigue and fatigue level among shift workers were worse than those non-shift workers, in which the abnormal rate were also higher. The study suggests that the questionnaire can be simplified to improve its accuracy, moreover, increase the case numbers to improve the accuracy of questionnaire for health surveys.

主题分类 工學院 > 環境工程研究所
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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