


Study on the company process improvement by Six-Sigma and IDEF0 - A Case Study of an audit process






IDEF0 ; 流程改善 ; ISO 9001:2008 ; 角色分析 ; 六標準差 ; ISO 9001:2008 ; Process Improve ; IDEF0 ; Actor analysis ; Six-Sigma












對企業而言,品質是決定競爭能力及永續經營的關鍵/要件,所以如何改善流程、提升產品和服務的品質,不僅是企業的重要課題,也是公務機關提昇競爭力的關鍵。本研究以國內某公務機關為例,個案組織利用六標準差之定義(Define)、衡量(Measure)、分析(Analyze)、改善(Improve)及控制(Control)等五個步驟、角色分析及IEDF0流程拆解等手法對品質管理系統自主之稽核作業進行流程改善,並結合組織內的品質管理制度(ISO 9001:2008),以期使人員能夠有效的執行品質管制,追求更有效率的作業流程,減少人力負荷。在作業流程中可能會產生的矛盾的環節,應予改善調整,降低錯誤發生率。 政府的品質績效是一直讓人垢病之處,以近來的食品安全事件來說,難道政府沒有管理機制嗎?其實政策、法規都有明確的規範與宣導(新聞每天都在播),但若執行的人陽奉陰違,而監督查核的人受限於人力、經費等等行政因素,使其查核的範圍及頻率也受到侷限,以致於浮上枱面的僅僅是冰山一角,就已經是兵慌馬亂,想要亡羊補牢,事倍功半,也不見得看得到成效。縮小範圍來看,單位(功能單位)如同廠家,品保組織如同管制機關,標準化的品質程序如同是政策、法規,如何落實及有效的管制其效能,是我們的目標,事前的預防比起事後補救可說是事半功倍,如果無法在開始就把事性做對,那我們要做的將是如何儘早發現問題,而「稽核」就是我們的手段、工具。 既然「稽核」是關鍵的把關機制,故稽核作業的執行成效,將對品質有重大影響,如何簡化稽核程序,讓程序更容易被理解。所以我們把稽核作業的程流,繪製成IDEF0圖解模式,以系統性、階層性的方式來表達相關作業流程。並將傳統的流程圖轉換繪製成顯而易懂的IDEF0模式及配合相關表單,使初次執行稽核工作的人員可以清楚地瞭解執行流程,進而提升工作成效。


Quality is the key to the ability of competitive and sustainable operations for an enterprise. To improving the quality of processes, product and service is an important issue for an enterprises as well as a governments. In this paper, a government organization is studied by approaches, including Six-Sigma’s Five-step process (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control), Actor Analysis and IDEF0, to facilitate improving the audit process of Quality Management System. Moreover, the solution from this study integrates the ISO 9001:2008 to assist employees efficiently perform quality control process. These improvements make processes efficient and reduce the workload. In this system, the incompatible process and nonconforming rate can be minified. Performance of government is always concerned by his people. For example, the food safety issue is currently out of control. Is there no standard process for food safety? In fact, the standard of food safety processes are clearly defined and well propaganda. However, even the ‘best’ rules/designs/processes will fail and appear their weakness in some conditions. That might be due to the limited government inspecting by manpower and budget, which causes reduction of the range and frequency of necessary audits. For this reason, only a few food safety events have been discovered. Even now, the government tries to solve this issue but it is difficult to cover all of food safety events, and the outcome is probably not good. The same point of view of the government case, an enterprise just plays the same role of government. Quality Management System has a regulatory authorities and the standardization quality process as a policies and regulations. Thus, our goal is that how to practice and efficiently control the performance of Quality Management System of an enterprise. Evidently, the antecedent preventive actions will save the efforts against to the potential problems when unexpected events occurred. Therefore, the key is how to discover the nonconformities as early as possible. The audit is the finest way to achieve the goal of prevention. The ‘audit’ is the important key to quality assessment. The performance of audit also influences the quality of an organization. Therefore, the current issue is that how to simplify the audit process and make it easier to understand by practitioners. In this paper, audit process are translated to the clear IDEF0 illustrations and related forms that let inspectors clearly understand the workflow of audit process as well as improve the performance.

主题分类 電機資訊學院 > 工業與系統工程學系
工程學 > 工程學總論
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