


Cultural Adaptation in the Dubbing of Family Guy in Taiwan






撰稿員 ; 配音卡通 ; 配音技巧 ; 文化參考 ; Screenwriters ; Dubbed Cartoon ; Dubbing Techniques ; Cultural Specific References














The present study aims to investigate how screenwriters handle cultural differences in a script when there are no identical cultural elements between the source culture and the target culture. The chosen case study is the American dubbed TV cartoon Family Guy, which often ridicules pop-cultural and political issues, sometimes in controversial ways. The plot of any given episode may be difficult to comprehend if the target audience does not understand enough about American culture. Different from the English version, a unique characteristic of the Mandarin-dubbed version of Family Guy is that many Taiwanese cultural elements are inserted in the cartoon. The present study is conducted as a descriptive research, which includes two steps to study the cultural differences in dubbing. First, the texts of English and Mandarin-dubbed versions were analyzed. Second, an interview with the dubbing studio was conducted. Based on the textual analysis and interview, the researcher concluded the dubbing techniques used in the Taiwanese version of Family Guy, which are omission, paraphrase, addition and adaptation. The findings of this study show that the dubbing techniques are helpful for the screenwriter to transform the source of dubbed dialogues to the target audience when there are no identical cultural specific references between the source culture and the target culture. Moreover, the ultimate goal of dubbing techniques is to make the dubbed cartoon itself close to the target audience’s cultural background.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 外國文學
人文與教育學院 > 應用外國語文學系
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