After Taiwan's Financial Holding Company Act passed, the life insurance market develops rapidly. The life insurance companies have launched variety products to satisfy customer's request. The life insurance companies face to fierce competition and the rise of consumer awareness, life insurance companies positive change and innovation to create life insurance products, which are in line with the requirements of the times. Is the hard task of the enterprise to shape the corporate brand image, increase consumer brand preferences, and then enhance market share. Therefore, the key factors that affect the image of the life insurance industry are those that are motivated by this study.
The main purpose of this study is to construct the evaluation of the brand image of the Y Company, the criteria to identify the key factors affecting the brand image and their mutual influence. And explore Y Company in the brand image management performance and provide its management strategy on the development and suggestion. After discussing the concept of research, the author first establishes the prototype of the research through expert interview, then uses Delphi method to converge and confirm the structure of this research, including four facets and nine criteria, and finally based on decision-making laboratory which’s the decision making and evaluation laboratory (ANP, DANP), and the performance of the Y Company is evaluated by the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA).
The results show that the key dimensions are "corporate image", "product image" and "functionality". Its management implications are the product functions provided by the enterprise. It should consider how to solve the existing problems and prevent potential problems. Enterprises to solve customer external derivative consumer demand and in the after-sales service to focus on customer feedback witch can increase on the new product in the features, so that the formation of a virtuous circle. And thus improve and continue to enhance corporate brand image. Among the nine criteria, the most critical criteria are "cordial service" and "psychological identity". Both of their management implication are how to make the customer in the process of purchasing the goods, the enterprise provides the overall service process and the products after-sales service attitude Thanksgiving respect for the sense of service, it can produce recognition of goods and purchase other life insurance products, resulting in an instant link hope to be served again
Finally, in the importance of performance analysis, the need to improve the project is the customer's "psychological identity", which’s management meaning is the life insurance industry, in the process of selling products in the overall attitude and after-sales service attitude poor performance, it cannot get the customer's psychological identity. Therefore, the life insurance industry should adjust the direction of strategy and resources to grow and sustainable management. To suggest to the proposed case Y Company will continue to respond to customer feedback on the product’s function to make it a virtuous circle, but also through education and learning to provide goods and services to meet consumer demand. And thus improve the image of enterprises and products; continue to enhance the brand image for enterprises.
Keywords: Life Insurance Industry, Brand Image, DANP, IPA
林建煌,2016年。消費者行為 五版,華泰文化事業股份有限公司。
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