


Finding Key Factors for Developing New Car Models of Automobile-A Case of K Company






新車型開發 ; 網路分析程序法 ; 決策實驗室分析法 ; 技術能力 ; 德爾菲法 ; 產品設計 ; Product design ; Analytic network process ; DEMATEL ; Delphi method ; Technical capability ; New model developing












台灣於1980年代隨著經濟的起飛,汽車工業也跟著蓬勃發展,台灣民眾汽車持有數每千人由1982年52輛增加至2011年304輛。而汽車工業亦屬於高關聯度火車頭產業,它帶動的不僅是汽車本業及所屬零件業之產值,對原物料方面也能帶動其成長。因此,汽車產業對於台灣的經濟成長、稅收(高貨物稅),乃至於就業方面有著相當大的貢獻。 但是,近年來受外在環境及台灣經濟成長趨緩的影響,以致於汽車年總販賣台數大幅下滑。更甚者,台灣於2002年加入WTO後,隨著進口車關稅逐年調降,國產車的市佔率也跟著滑落。在此雙重威脅之下,如何開發有競爭力且有市場魅力的汽車新產品,遂成了國內各車廠產品企劃人員最大的課題。 汽車工業是屬於資本密集的產業, 開發一台新型車往往需投入龐大的成本,以致於新產品的成敗對公司經營而言產生了相當大的影響。因此,國內各車廠在進行新車型開發時,大都採用經驗法則、跟隨市場領導者等保守策略,而這策略或許可得到成功,但是失敗的風險也非常高。對國內頗負盛名的K公司而言,為了降低新產品失敗的風險,使得汽車廠能夠穩定經營,因此引發本研究探討影響K公司在汽車新車型開發關鍵因素的動機。 本研究透過文獻探討,蒐集了國內外學者對新產品開發成功的關鍵因素之文獻,經過整合後共歸納出影響新產品開發因素包含有五項評估構面及十九項評估準則,以此建立了研究雛型架構。而後,在K公司從事汽車新產品企劃的專家協助下,應用德爾菲法取得專家群們一致的共識,最後整合出影響汽車新車型開發之關鍵因素,建構了一個共五項構面及十六項準則的正式研究架構,以作為後續研究的基礎。 近年來,以決策實驗室分析法為基礎的網路分析程序法為研究方法的論文相當多元,其特色在於以決策實驗室分析法的總影響矩陣作為網路分析程序法的未加權超級矩陣,免於在大量準則成對比較下對一致性的達成。本研究採取此方法來釐清變數間相互影響的關係,並找出影響汽車新車型開發之關鍵因素,以及關鍵因素間的因果關係。研究結果發現,對於K公司來說,影響汽車新車型開發共有七項關鍵因素,包含了顧客需求、市場分析、行銷策略、新產品策略規劃、新產品技術能力、新產品設計以及時程的控管。而就績效表現,顧客需求、市場分析及新產品策略規劃三項關鍵因素是K公司現階段極需改善的指標。決策實驗室分析法所產生的因果圖,顯示K公司可由「從顧客需求改善開始」或「自新產品技術能力改善出發」,來有效率的提升極需改善指標之績效。所使用的決策技術對新車型開發上,提供了關鍵因素以及改善績效之道,對K公司而言在實務上有其重要貢獻。


Along with the growing economy in Taiwan since 1980s, the automotive industry has been having substantially growth as well. Vehicle owned per thousand populations grew from 52 vehicles in 1982 to 304 vehicles in 2011. The automotive industry not only led the growth in its own industry and component parts industry, but also led the growth in raw materials industry. With that being said, one can say the automotive industry contributed significantly to Taiwan’s economic growth, tax rate, and furthermore, employment opportunities. However, due to outside circumstances and the decrease growth in Taiwan’s economic rate lately, the total number of vehicles sold in Taiwan had declined significantly. Even more, ever since Taiwan joined the WTO in 2002, because imported cars’ tax rate has decreased, it impacted and decreased the market share of the domestic vehicles. Under the double threats as listed, how to develop competitive and attractive products has become a major focus for all product planning members among the automotive industries in the country. Automotive industry is very capital intensive; developing a new model normally requires a large amount of budget, which then makes the success or failure of this new product a large and direct impact to the company. Thus, when developing new models, most companies choose to go by experience or follow the current lead of the market. This strategy could be successful; however, the risk of failing is high as well. For a company with great name in the country like Company K, the idea to reduce the risks of new product failure, in order to stabilize the operation of the automotive manufacturing plant triggered the theme of this research, to discuss the key factors which affect Company K in new model development. This research paper has gathered international and domestic scholar’s work in regards to the key factors for how a new product can be successfully developed. After compiling the work, it has been found that the factors contain five evaluation perspectives and nineteen evaluation standards. The rough draft of this research is based on the findings above. With the support from an expert for new product development at Company K and by applying Delphi method to gain consensus along the experts, the key factors which influence the development of a new model vehicle are produced. This then produced the foundation of this research, five evaluation perspectives along with sixteen evaluation standards. Recently, many varieties of the researches are performed with DEMATEL as the based Analytic Network Process (DNAP); the strength of DANP is the use of DEMATEL’s Total Relation Matrix as ANP’s Unweighted Supermatrix, to eliminate the need to achieve uniformaity when conducting pairing comparison under massive rules. The research utilized this method to clarify the relations among the variables, as well as to discover the key factors which affect vehicle’s new model development. Research has found that in particular to Company K, there are seven key factors within new model development, including: customer needs, market analysis, marketing strategy, new product strategic planning, new product technical capability, new product design, and scheduling. Per the effectiveness performance, customer needs, market analysis, and new product strategic planning are the three key factors which Company K needs improvement in. The relationship drawing produced by DEMATEL indicates that Company K could start improving performance in the following key factors, “customer needs” and “new product technical capability”. The analysis decision strategy provided key factors and great methods in improving efficiency in regards to new model development. This is a great contribution for Company K.

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
  1. 賴秋粉(2016)。伺服器製造業之機殼海運成本關鍵因素分析 –以國內I公司為例。中原大學企業管理學系學位論文。2016。1-107。