


The Effects of Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategy on Mathematical Problem Solving of Elementary School Students with Learning Disabilities






學習障礙 ; 數學困難 ; 數學應用問題解題能力 ; 認知-後設認知策略 ; students with learning disabilities ; mathematical difficulties ; mathematical problem solving ; cognitive and metacognitive strategy












本研究主要的目的是探討認知-後設認知策略對於國小學習障礙學生數學應用問題解題能力之成效。研究對象採方便取樣,選取三位桃園市國小六年級學習障礙學生,研究方法採用單一受試實驗之逐變標準設計,分別為基線期、介入期及維持期。研究工具包含研究者自編「篩選評量試卷」、「識字測驗」、「速率-數學應用問題解題前測評量卷」、「速率-數學應用問題解題後測評量卷」、「解題紅綠燈檢核表」、「教學流程檢核表」、「教學省思日誌」、「解題紅綠燈訪談大綱」、「解題紅綠燈回饋單」,教學成效以視覺分析評估受試者在數學解題能力之學習、維持成效,藉由「速率-數學應用問題解題前測評量卷」與「速率-數學應用問題解題後測評量卷」作為受試者介入前後成績是否有提升之對照以及「解題紅綠燈訪談大綱」、「解題紅綠燈回饋單」、「教學省思日誌」來探討本研究之社會效度,蒐集量化及質性資料分析研究結果如下。 一、認知-後設認知策略對提升學習障礙學生數學應用問題解題目標行為具有立即效果及維持效果。 二、認知-後設認知策略對提升學習障礙學生數學應用問題評量成績有成效。 三、認知-後設認知策略對提升學習障礙學生數學應用問題解題能力具有社會效度。 綜合以上研究結果顯示認知-後設認知策略能提升國小學習障礙學生數學應用問題解題能力。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cognitive and metacognitive strategy on mathematical problem solving ability of elementary school students with learning disabilities. Three students with learning disabilities were chosen from elementary school of Taoyuan. The single subject research changing-criterion designs were used. The independent variable was cognitive and metacognitive strategy and dependent variable was the mathematical problem solving ability. The data were collected on the three subjects during baseling, intervention and maintenance phases. Instructtional effects were assessed by analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data collected in this study were analyzed using visual analysis. Qualitative data collected from interviews with students and student’s teachers were analyzed using transcript analysis method. Results of this study were summarized as following: 1. Cognitive and metacognitive strategy had immediate effects and maintenance effects on mathematical problem solving ability of elementary school students with learning disabilities. 2. Cognitive and metacognitive strategy had effective in assessing mathematical problem solving for students with learning disabilities 3. Interviews with related individuals had indicated that this study had a high social validity.   The above research results show that cognitive and metacognitive strategy can improve the problem-solving ability of mathematicl problem of students with learning disabilities.

主题分类 人文與教育學院 > 特殊教育學系
社會科學 > 教育學
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