The present study focuses on two main parts. The first part is the analysis about the physical and aerodynamic data, including weight, volume, density, lift and drag coefficients, of the bionic blades of winged seed of three different plants(Acer serrulatum, Pinus taiwanensis, Calocedrus formosana). The blade profiles of winged seed of three plants were firstly scanned and stored into a computer by a 2D scanner, then the CAD and Pro E were used to build the digital contours and computational models, finally the finite element analysis software (ANSYS) was applied to analyze the flow fields, calculate and plot the lift and drag coefficients of blades. The results showed that the lift coefficient of the green maple (Acer serrulatum), under larger angle of attack, has an advantage of not easy to stall, and the lift-drag ratio of the bionic blade of the green maple is the largest among three plants.
The second part of the present work focuses on measuring the power generation efficiency, by the experiments in the wind tunnel, of the small-scale three-blade and five-blade wind turbines which were built by using the profiles of the bionic blades of winged seeds. The results obtained by the experiments indicated that the power generation efficiency of the five-blade wind turbine, which blade shape is the bionic blades of green maple, can reach up to 37% under the blowing of
5m/s wind speed, also, the power generation efficiency of this turbine is more stable related to the variation of the wind speed than other wind turbines with bionic blades from other two plants. In addition, the power generation efficiency of the three-blade wind turbine, with bionic green maple seed blade shape, can reach up to 36% when the wind speed is 5m/s.
For other two plants, the five-blade wind turbine with bionic Xiaonan (Calocedrus formosana) seed blade shape, has the highest power generation efficiency up to 37% when the wind speed is 4m/s, but for the five-blade wind turbine with bionic two-leaf pine seed blade shape, its power generation efficiency can only reach up to 25%.
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series 524, Pages 5-10