Nowadays, display is not only shows product but also promote cultural education. Cultural education can be present and promote by display, furthermore, display can impassion visitors to learning more knowledges from it. The tendency of these days, people would like to do more spiritual perspectives promoting, then display became an important ways to deliver variety knowledges to people. Another ways, visual design determine success or failure of the exhibition.
Exhibition interacts with the people, the space and the events, furthermore, it convey a variety of important information to visitors. Besides to convey a message, human and the space are interrelated and interacted on each other. Although the exhibition topic is not interested people, it’s extreme important that should make visitors feel comfortable in the space.
Organic construction shape is growing number of using by those well-known architects. The organic shape is different from traditional construction, nevertheless, people are gradually accepted and enjoy it nowadays. The organic construction is much more unique and magnificent as well. Continuation of the organic topic, the project referred to the conception and the design of both foreign and domestic cases.
In conclusion, the project put artistic visual effects element into the traditional history museum exhibition design, looking forward to make the different of the usual style. And last, the final presentation shows space 3D video rendering.