


The Study of semi-crystalline Parameters Optimization of injection molded part quality by PVT control method






動態PVT歷程控制 ; 射出成型品質控制 ; 壓力感測器 ; 紅外線溫度感測器 ; Dynamic PVT control method ; injection molding quality control ; pressure sensor ; infrared temperature sensor












隨著科技水平的不斷提升與發展,針對塑膠產品的重量精度、尺寸精度、產品穩定性有了更高的要求,傳統提高產品需求主要是提升射出成型機控制技術及針對射出成型參數進行優化。綜觀射出成型機的市場,國內設備技術水平已相當進步,射出成型參數往往是依靠有經驗的師傅來調整,沒有一科學化的數據當作基準,而壓力-比容-溫度(PVT)是影響塑膠高分子的重要關係,將以上影響產品精度的可變因素進行監控,使其提高產品穩定性是未來射出成型參數優化的重要關鍵。 本研究使用t=2 L/t=100之長平板狀產品進行實驗,材料為聚丙烯(PP)K1035半結晶熱塑性塑膠,利用壓力感測器與紅外線溫度感測器埋設置於模穴內,實際監測射出成型的PVT歷程,透過此數據探討不同參數下對PVT歷程之間關係,而後使用此技術透過模流分析軟體驗證其不同控制法對產品的品質影響是否一致,希望透過此監控技術達到品質控制之目的。 研究結果顯示,PVT監控技術將有效且穩定的擷取其成型過程中熔膠至模穴內壓力、比容、溫度之數據,並提供試模人員調整出最佳成型參數。於基礎參數的實驗中可以發現不同的成型參數設定將會對PVT歷程造成不同影響,而後也直接反應在終端產品上。動態PVT控制技術的應用在半結晶材料上顯示各段收縮率的離散程度較單段保壓改善程度達到23%,此也反應在翹曲位移量,動態保壓的導入可改善翹曲達到18%。PVT控制技術應用於分析軟體結果顯示其結果與實驗達到相同趨勢,說明此控制技術的應用可達到產品品質監控可行性。 關鍵詞:動態PVT歷程控制、射出成型品質控制、壓力感測器、紅外線溫度感測器


Due to the production development, the cratiria for plastic product is not only focused on the process stability but the product properties as well. Traditionally, the properties are usually taken over by the human experienced rather than a scientific mold trial process. The pressure-specific volume-temperature (PVT) property of polymer is essential for polymer processing, and it appears a feasible method to achieve high quality products; especially, for the semi-crystalline material, it is rely on the PVT changed during the whole molding process. This study is base on a strip model with 2 mm in thickness and 100 in the ratio of flow-length with thickness. Material is semi-crystalline thermoplastic polypropylene (PP). The PVT control system with three pressure and infrared temperature sensors are prepared for mold inserted. The purpose of this experiment is to monitor the injection process and using the cross data to analysis the influences amount PVT, and further to control the product qualities. The result shows that the PVT control system can optimize the product properties effectively with the starndard molding parameter settings. The properties are directly related to the PVT diagram, and the influence between molding parameters and product qualities are investigated. Dynamic PVT control technology shows that the optimum product characteristic for 23% in shrinkage deviation on whole part, 18% in part warpage. Simulation is in the end verified with the experiment, and it is highly agreed with the results. Key words: Dynamic PVT control method; injection molding quality control; pressure sensor; infrared temperature sensor

主题分类 工學院 > 機械工程學系
工程學 > 機械工程
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