In recent years, the global economic environment was changing, in 2008 from the US mortgage crisis caused by the global financial crisis began. In 2010, despite the global economic recovery, but the euro zone experiencing serious debt problems, leading to the debt crisis in the Europe region. This crisis affects not only Europe, but also affect the world economy, and affects the global economic recovery process. After Vietnam and Thailand joined WTO, the two economies are deeply integrated into the global economy, and reflect the export and capital inflows of foreign investment in Vietnam in a very high proportion.
Therefore, if the Greek debt crisis may have some degree of influence through the conduit of international trade to Vietnam and Thai economy. Each country interest rates are an important factor in determining a country's economy. Fluctuations in interest rates directly affect the economic, personal and business activities at the national decision-making and credit institutions, and so on. There are many advanced countries in the literature using a long short-term interest rate spreads to analyze and predict the future economic growth of the country, but relatively few case studies on developing countries or Asian countries. Therefore, this study wants to spread and future economic growth rate between Vietnam and Thailand. because there are many restrictions repository of Vietnam, so this study used three years interest rate minus the overnight call rate to get the spread of this, to Thailand, they use decade bond spreads reached minus three-month treasury bills, and plus the country the GDP growth rate and unemployment rate of industrial growth index as described economic boom fluctuation variables.
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