


A Study for Stroke Patients Living with Bath Lavatory Need.






腦中風居室 ; 腦中風浴廁 ; 腦中風輔助器材 ; Stroke patients room ; Stroke patients bath ; Stroke patients arrangement of equipment












台灣在邁入少子化及老年化的社會型態,當年齡增加身體系統的運作靈活度將和年齡成反比,近十年來,腦中風人數雖已退居為十大死因的第三位,但無論罹患腦中風的輕、中或重度其患者都將對整個家庭的生活作息及經濟影響甚鉅。 腦中風發生之後可能損害其語言及記憶神經或肢體運動的功能,其臉部神經亦可能受到損害,導致患者內心產生變化,害怕外出及面對人群,而失去正常的社交生活,所以腦中風的發生對患者的生、心理將是一大考驗。再者其家屬或照護者需要長期陪伴,大聲斥責、失去耐心常導致他們的心理也有了些許的變化,照護腦中風患者是漫長生活型態的改變。因此對於腦中風患者所生活的居室、浴廁空間議題來探討研究,以求能滿足腦中風患者的空間需求。擬訂六大主題問卷題目深入了解患者成長背景、生活習慣、空間需求和空間改善需求,經由本地醫院及衛生所協助找尋可拜訪之腦中風患者,設定五位腦中風患者,以開放式訪問患者和照護者將其談話內容錄音轉換為文字紀錄並手繪原有居室及浴廁空間,經由和患者及照護者的訪問資料再將原空間重新規畫成符合患者居住之空間,藉此研究深入探討並提出結論如下: 居室空間需求需考量患者及照護者床位放置,預留輔助器材放置空間,病床一側也需預留至少50公分的走道方便照護者進出,空間的大小約為5坪。浴廁空間使用者為輕、中度患者,重度患者梳洗及大小便則由照護者在患者床上完成; 浴廁空間約為3坪,兩者都需考量輪椅迴轉空間。5坪居室空間的配置大約需設置4組插座,床的左右側各設置1組插座,電器用品及考量未來增設的輔助器材需設置2組。抽痰機、呼吸輔助器及製氧機為腦中風患者所需之設備,放置空間約為0.3~0.5坪。了解腦中風患者對居室、浴廁需求,讓患者在返家後對於空間的改善先後順序有所依據。


Taiwan society has entered the era of low birth rate and aging population. As we grow older, our body system will become less flexible.Therefore, in the recent decade, stroke has move back to the third among the top ten leading causes of death in Taiwan. However, no matter if the stroke patient is at mild or moderate degree, it will certainly affect the life of the patient’s entire family. When a stroke happened, the language ability, memory nerve and body movement will all be damage or affected. Their face nerve are very possibly be damaged. Besides, the change of their facial appearance will also affect them mentally. This change will make the patient being afraid to face people and stop them from stepping out. Furthermore, the family who need to take care of them might lose patience and start to yell at them. These will all make the stroke patients to have more or less emotional changes. Taking care of a stoke patient is an endless task, and it will change the life style of all family members.Therefore, this research is focusing on the interior and bathroom designs based on the needs of stroke patients. To develop a set of questionnaire in six main themes in order to deeply understand the patient’s upbringing backgrounds, living habits, spacing demands and their hope or needs of changing. The respondents are recommended from local hospitals and clinics. Five stroke patients along with their personal care were interviewed and all process recorded by tape recorder, hand writes and the current residences were also recorded by drawing. Based on the interview databases, to redesign their original residences into a housing interior and lavatory that are more suitable for both the stroke patients and personal care’s using.Hereunder are the results of the research: The bedroom needs to consider the space of the bed for both the patient and the caretaker. Closet and storage room are designed prioritized for the patient and need to leave enough spaces for aids equipment. Also there should be a 50 cm wide passage for the caretaker to walk in. Overall room space should be approximately 180 square feet.Restroom is designed for mild to moderate stroke patients. Server stroke patients do their cleanings on bed by caretakers. A suitable space for the restroom is approximately 108 square feet. Both shower and toilet spaces need to consider the turn around space of a wheel chair.A 180 square feet bedroom needs approximately four sockets. Patient’s aids equipment will be placed beside both sides of bed for the ease of usage. Need to prepare two sets of electronic devices and future aids equipment. Sputum suction machine, breathing apparatus machine and oxygen machine are necessity machines for stroke patients. The spacing is approximately 10.8~18 square feet. To understand stroke patients’ demands on housing interior and lavatory, thus to have prioritize on space reorganizing when patients return home from hospital.

主题分类 設計學院 > 室內設計學系
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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