
產業聚群複製與遷移的過程探討 ─以投資大陸的台商汽車產業為例


A Research on Cloning and Immigration of Industrial Cluster–Taiwan's Automotive Industry in China as an Example






台商、產業聚群模式、權力來源、演化模式、汽車產業 ; Taiwanese entrepreneur ; source of power ; evolvement mode ; automobile industr












台灣汽車產業數十年,經過了蛻變與成長,產業演化出聚群的上下游供應鏈現象,也使得台灣汽車產業的各廠商能彼此共同成長,但礙於台灣市場規模因素,及成本不斷提高之下,台灣汽車產業想再繼續成長勢必得開發新的汽車市場,基於台灣與大陸來自於同文同種之兩岸特別關係,1990~2000開始台商幾乎都會選擇大陸為「最佳的工廠+未來的市場」,這樣的考量之下如何將整個產業帶往大陸發展便成了台商們最需要思考的層面,本研究期望以台灣汽車產業為例,去探討製造業前往大陸所發展的情況及現象,做為未來其他產業在進軍大陸時的一份依據。 本研究以質化訪談為主,透過訪談台灣裕隆集團下的中華汽車產業,及其聚群共同往大陸發展的狀況,輔以理論並利用時間軸的概念,完整的將當初汽車產業進軍大陸市場的現象及成車廠與零組件供應廠商所各自受到的環境因素一一列舉,而將「台灣+大陸」和「成車廠+零組件供應商」的2*2的情境完整呈現,將可提供給汽車產業或其他製造產業做為對比及經營上的策略思維。 本研究透過文獻資料及過往研究之延伸,透過台商產業聚群模式為理論基礎下,導出三種演化模式,分別為共同成長演化模式、持續演化模式及逆向演化模式並加上時間背景所影響的三個時期,包含著簡單複製期、聚群成長期及多核轉變期等三種時間點去探討各個時間點其成車廠商與零組件供應廠商所面對的市場與環境衝突有何不同,而兩者上下游的關係透過權力來源之觀點,去思考成車廠商與零組件供應廠商如何在相同環境,不同競爭的市場空間上,如何找到平衡點。研究結果最後顯示,對於大陸市場上,成車廠面臨品牌上如何與全世界各大品牌競爭,相比之下無疑是零組件供應廠商更有其成長的市場空間存在,只要零組件供應廠能進入其他成車廠商的聚群中,成為雙核或是多核的主要邊陲成員,其逆向演化的速度將會變得很快,而原有成車廠如要鞏固供貨及穩定的夥伴關係,則需要透過母廠的連結權,及持股的法定權等方式,來維持雙方之關係,而得到最適聚群合作及發展的綜效。


After decades of development, the reformation and growth of automobile industry in Taiwan has evolved the cluster of upstream and downstream supply chain circumstance, which facilitate the mutual growth of corporations in automobile industry in Taiwan. However, under the obstacles of the limited market scale of Taiwan and the rising cost, automobile industry in Taiwan has to develop additional vehicle market to keep the growth. Based on the special cross-strait relationship of Taiwan and mainland China which share similar culture and races, most of the Taiwanese entrepreneurs are seeing China as a “best place to build factory and develop the future market” since 1990. The matters of how to move the entire industry to mainland China to develop became the first priority being considered by Taiwanese entrepreneurs. The study took the automobile industry in Taiwan for example and intended to discuss the situation and circumstance of manufacturer moving to China for future reference of other industries operating in China. The study adopted the qualitative interview as the main method and listed the phenomenon of automobile industry operated in China and environmental components which the assembly factories and parts distributors faced completely through interviewing CMC motor, the subsidiary of Yulon Group, and the situation of the cluster developing mutually in China with the theories and concept of timeline to present the whole circumstances of “Taiwan and China” and “assembly factories and parts distributors”. The results provide the automobile industries and other manufacturers to contrast or take as the strategic thinking on operation. The study induced 3 types of evolvement modes by the extension of literatures and previous studies based on the theory of industrial cluster of Taiwanese entrepreneurs, which were mutual growth evolvement, continuous evolvement, and reversal evolvement mode, with the derived 3 periods affected by time background, included simple replication, cluster growth and multiple-nuclei period, to discuss the different markets and environmental conflict that the assembly factories and parts distributors encounter in each period. In terms of upstream and downstream, the relationship was viewed from the source of power to confer a balance point in the market with same environment but different competition for assembly factories and parts distributors. The result revealed the assembly factories in China are managing to compete with worldwide brands, and there is no doubt the parts distributors have a wider market to spread in contrast. As long as the parts distributors are able to enter the clusters of other assembly factories and become a major member of dual-nuclei or multi- nuclei in frontier, the pace of the reserve evolvement will be accelerated in a considerable level. The original assembly factories need to maintain the stable supply and partner relationship through the ways such as connection right of headquarter and legitimate share hold to achieve the optimum effect from cluster cooperation and development.

主题分类 商學院 > 企業管理學系
社會科學 > 管理學
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