
休旅產業空間之設計與施工 以台東度假村為例


Design and Construction of Leisure Industry Space A Case Study of The Taitung Resort






觀光、休閒產業、民宿、度假中心、旅館設計 ; Tourism ; Inns ; Hotels ; Resorts ; Hotel Design












近年來政府推行觀光產業發展,使得花東地區觀光旅遊迅速成長,因此台東地區旅館與民宿也隨之大興土木興建,造成旅館與民宿過剩現象產生。本研究探討花東地區度假休閒會館與民宿經營,如何讓新建民宿有效轉型進而發展為觀光休閒度假村,而吸引觀光客入住,使臺東休旅產業更加蓬勃發展。並將度假休閒會館與民宿結合共同策略聯盟,讓東部發展為國際級休閒度假中心,從分析民宿與度假村經營型態著手研究,使其共同結合創造商機。利用當地原住民文化特色,創造觀光酒莊、農村生活體驗、葡萄釀酒體驗、海上遊艇樂趣體驗、優雅住宿體驗、精緻健康美食、溫泉泡湯、融合貼心服務的氣氛及各項深度體驗,設計規劃出創意品牌附有人文經典休閒渡假中心,創造綠色旅遊引領未來。台東縣東河鄉有美麗高山、海洋、沙灘、潮間帶魚類保護區更有很多旅遊景點,東河鄉都蘭村是東部最美麗海岸景點與熱帶自然景觀之一,村中保留了阿美族原住民文化特色及深厚文化內涵。東河鄉都蘭村以新東糖廠及水往上流為主要地標,近年來台東縣政府積極發展觀光產業,在加上媒體深入報導及推銷深度旅遊,因此吸引大批遊客進入東部旅遊,每到假日遊客爆增,旅館是間間客滿,然而平日卻幾乎看不到臺灣遊客,所有旅館及景點呈獻休息狀態,真正營運只有周末二至三日。如何有效帶動臺東地區旅遊產業興盛,創造更高經濟效益, 吸引更多國內外遊客進入臺東旅遊,旅館及民宿區域資源整合與策略聯盟,是未來旅遊價值核心定位,傳達當地文化特色、建立品牌形象、創造休閒空間意象,設計出旅館空間美學是本研究主要目的。 關鍵字: 觀光、休閒產業、民宿、度假中心、旅館設計


In recent years, there has been an excess of hotels and local inns being constructed in the eastern region of Taiwan due to the heavy promotion of the tourism industry by the government. This research aims to explore the operations of these hotels and inns in order to create the most effective way of attracting potential tourists, in order to boost the tourism industry in Taitung. The goal is to create an alliance between the hotels and inns within this region to develop the eastern region into an international tourism retreat area; to do this, we must first begin by analyzing the operation methods and find a new business direction. Our method involves using the local cultural experience to create tourist attractions such as farm life and vineyard experiences as well as yacht tours, pleasant hotel experiences, refined dining with a focus on health and spas. In addition to these attractions, we plan to combine the best customer service there is, to create a brand that has value in order to promote the retreat area and lead the eastern region into a brighter and greener future. Within Donghe district of Taitung, there are many beautiful mountains, beaches and ocean locations that serve as wonderful tourist attractions. Additionally, Donghe district is home to the most beautiful coastal views as well as being home to the traditional culture of the Amis that is preserved within many of the villages. With the Xin-Dong sugar factory as the center, the Taitung government has been developing the tourism industry rapidly within the past few years. Compounded with the deep media coverage, the region has seen a surge in tourist activity within the past few years, to the point where hotel and inns on the weekend are completely booked. However, the disparity between weekend and weekday activity is evident as shown by the empty towns during the weekdays. The goal of this research is to develop a method to improve upon Taitung’s existing tourism industry via uniting the hotel and inn owners as well as creating a brand for the region using local culture with the final objective of bringing in more tourists from both overseas and within the country. Key words: Tourism, Inns, Hotels, Resorts, Hotel Design

主题分类 設計學院 > 室內設計學系
工程學 > 土木與建築工程
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