Energy has been one of the most important issues in the world. With the progress of industry and technology, energy demand is increasing. Because the world's petrochemical related energy has gradually dried up, finding alternative energy has become an urgent challenge. The stocks of bioenergy are from biomass, and carbon dioxide (CO2) can be fixed during the growth of biomass through photosynthesis. Therefore, bioenergy can be a green energy source if the cost of manufacture can be
This study discusses the biomass accumulation and productivity, oil content and productivity, and carbon emissions rate per units of lipid amount of two algae strains, SA and PA, under the cultivation parameters of T5 fluorescent lamp, LED light board, and aerated with air, 10% CO2 or 20% CO2. Analysis of lipid accumulation rate under different growth conditions can help to understand the optimal lipid accumulation condition and thereby increasing the lipid productivity. Furthermore, how to minimize the energy cost for producing bioenergy and maximize the productivity has become a major issue in the area of energy-saving with lower carbon impact. By analyzing the life cycle of chlorella, we can understand the energy consumption and carbon emissions during cultivation and extraction of oil consumed. In addition, whether using chlorella as a raw material for bioenergy will cause other ecological
impact or not is also the scope of this study.
We got the following results:(1) SA cultured at T5 fluorescent lamp with 10% CO2 could obtain higher biomass accumulation and productivity, lipid productivity and content of 1300±1 mg/L, 0.186±0 g/L-1/d-1, 80.15±0.2 mg/L-1/d-1, and 560.3±1.7 mg, respectively. PA cultured at LED light with 10% CO2 culture could obtain higher biomass accumulation and productivity, lipid productivity and content of 1335±7 mg/L, 0.191±7 g/L-1/d-1, 64.46±0.3 mg/L-1/d-1, and 451.23±6.4 mg, respectively. (2) SA cultured at T5 fluorescent lamp with air could obtain higher lipid ratio of 43.3±0.2%, while PA cultured at T5 fluorescent lamp with 20% CO2 obtained ratio of 49.5±1.2%. (3) SA can resulted in better lipid productivity and content, while PA can resulted in better biomass productivity and amount. (4) When we set up the goal as producing one unit (mg) of lipid in the life cycle assessment, the lowest values of carbon emission were both under the cultivation parameters of LED light and 10% CO2 for SA (0.7316 kg carbon), and PA (0.7351 kg carbon), respectively. Using LED than T5 as light source can save up to 41% of carbon emissions to produce algal lipid in this study.
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