Taiwan Semiconductor industry has created 2.3 trillion output value and 22.6 million employment population. It has also driven the supply chain and consumer gross output more than doubled.The creation of supply chain and consuming population is more than twice the number. Therefore, the semiconductor industry has the extremely important status to the Taiwan economy development. In this case, the company engaged innovative packaging manufacture services. The company have confronted with the challenges of internal and external in recently years. They need more professional talent engineers, but the turnover rate grew up, so it is more important to retention of the engineers.
The study used the qualitative research methods, semi-structured interviews, and the case study methods, and try to find out the unique causes of turnover and retention for the engineers in the company's. The study tried to understand the position and cognition of the two sides by the views of the engineers and the employers in order to use the limited Resources, to achieve the goal of talent retention.
The study found that the opinions of engineer is related to the work, no matter what the causes of turnover or retention. In the opinions of supervisor, the compensation is the most important factor for retention the engineers, but the information shows the opinions of the engineer, Compensation is not the most important reason. It appears that there is a disagreement between the supervisor and the engineer on the causes of turnover and retention. The supervisor can’t meet the request of the engineer without being able to get the right method, the resources and assistance. However, due to the reality, we can feel the sense of powerlessness of the supervisor, and may also giving the wrong suggestion for the management. It is hoped that through constant communication and mutual understanding, the consensus can be achieved to have a win-win situation in the workplace.
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